Not at all. I don't know what's dutiable. Do I have to pay duty on things for my own use?
We can pass only one Wristwatch for each passenger free. According to the regulations, you must pay duty on the other one.
If the Koreans were to take full advantage of these dispensations, they could undercut European rivals that do have to pay duty on foreign parts by up to 4.5%.
Even if all the tax they pay is VAT on expensive meals in London restaurants or stamp duty on flats in Mayfair, it is still additional income for Mr Brown.
This means that theoretically every inbound traveler could be asked to pay import duty on his or her smartphone, even if it's been in use for a long time.
I think you'll have to pay some duty on these cigarettes because they exceed the quota. And this article is liable for duty.
Pay the Stamp Duty payable on this Agreement or reimburse to the Buyer the Stamp Duty paid on this Agreement.
Be on duty night class of people Jing session, pay a party appointment the specially assigned send bread and quarry water to be on duty site.
Medieval system, where land was grant by a king to his aristocracy, and by the aristocrat to the peasant, on condition that each pay a service (or feudal duty) to his superior.
Medieval system, where land was grant by a king to his aristocracy, and by the aristocrat to the peasant, on condition that each pay a service (or feudal duty) to his superior.