Pay monthly, and you’ll get fruit and snacks sent to your house two or three times a week.
Instead of buying computers and software, many want "cloud-computing" services in which they pay monthly fees to companies that run the software for them.
We are raising a generation of kids who do not want to pay monthly subscriptions for anything. Give me stuff for free and stick some advertising on it.
Her monthly take-home pay is $1,500 after taxes.
You should pay 1000 dollars monthly for your room.
Even now that he is working steadily, he said, "I can't afford to pay my monthly mortgage payments on my own, so I have to rent rooms out to people to make that happen."
They received a notice threatening them with eviction if they did not immediately pay the back monthly rent of $1, 025.
Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
It first navigates the user to the login page and then advances to the payroll system, which displays monthly pay slips.
To pay for this, a $2.50 monthly surcharge will go on electricity bills.
为了做到这点,用电居民每月将多付$2.50 美金的特别费。
That would give people fewer reasons to pay for expensive monthly cable and satellite services, which would in turn hurt the content companies.
But, like all subscription models, it blocks access to music if you don't pay this monthly fee.
The current set of five are rack mounted in a co-location data centre, where I pay a monthly fee for space, electricity and bandwidth.
Give them the amount in their monthly budget, and allow them to pay the bill each month.
To be middle class is to draw a pay packet weekly or monthly, rather than daily or hourly.
They refuse to pay even trivial monthly subscriptions for music-download services like Pandora and streaming outfits like Spotify.
Their average monthly take-home pay is $200 to $240 -- compared with about $160 for all Wuhan residents.
Many of the pre-loaded programs turned out to be trial versions and required users to pay a monthly fee to keep them going.
But those who are interested in such information are very interested, so much so that they will probably pay a monthly subscription for it.
Moradian says a "small percentage" of active users pay $1.50 monthly for access to detailed grading data.
From a personal standpoint I would be willing to pay a small monthly fee for unlimited download access and the ability to continue using BitTorrent websites - as I prefer that method of downloading.
Casey says that monthly pay in some factories he owns is several hundred RMB more than the local average.
On average, FiOS customers pay a monthly bill of $135, about twice the bill for the average Verizon customer.
Half a million users pay a monthly fee of euro6 ($9) to use the site: Xing’s profit margin was 37% in the most recent quarter.
Half a million users pay a monthly fee of euro6 ($9) to use the site: Xing’s profit margin was 37% in the most recent quarter.