I am Li Mai in Room 831. I'm leaving today. Can I pay my bill now?
But now, right now, I don't go to Nairobi, I just pay my bill from here.
"When I couldn't pay my gas bill, I knew I had to find another home for the cats," Bail said.
I remembered well how difficult it had been for me, when I first came to town, to do something as simple as pay my electric bill, send money or letters home, or even just buy a countertop stove.
As I paid my bill, I inquired as to what their bill was, he informed me, and I gave him the $40 to pay their tab[2].
When I have something I have to remember (a bill to pay in a few weeks for instance) I put it in a prominent place on the pin board above my computer.
My friend and I had just finished lunch at an expensive restaurant when we realized that we did not have enough money to pay the bill.
Other requests have included asking for embassy staff to pay a bill when a credit card had "maxed out" and a traveller asking "Can you t ell me how to make my naughty son behave?"
The client understands and tells him he will soon pay: I'll settle my bill after breakfast.
客人明白了他的意思,然后说他很快就付账:I'llsettlemy bill after breakfast.
My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I couldn't pay the bill he gave me six months more.
I'll inform my bank to pay the bill on my behalf and send me the documents.
I am done with writing him letters asking him to pay his bill; now I am going to turn the matter over to my attorney.
Other requests have included asking for embassy staff to pay a bill when a credit card had "maxed out" and a traveller asking "Can you tell me how to make my naughty son behave?
Once upon a time, I did not pay for my bill when I bought a pen, because the boss forgot to charge me, so I pretended to not realize it and just walk away with the pen.
I choose to pay the bill. I don't ask my girlfriend to pay unless I don't have the money.
My husband roughly had a look the bill, and wanted to pay with visa without finding any mistake.
Yes, thank you, 'I answered,' but I can't pay the bill. I haven't got my bag. '.
Look at this bill, it says I shall pay USD 480 for my mobile this month.
Look at this bill, it says I shall pay USD 480 for my mobile this month.