The higher pay raise translates into higher taxes.
The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices.
You promised to give me a pay raise after six-month probation.
I didn't get a pay raise, but it was not the reason that I left.
The first thing I'm going to do when I get a pay raise is to treat you to dinner.
He can guide the blind. He is loyal to his master and never asks for a pay raise.
The workers were able to strike a deal with the boss over the new pay raise rules.
Chase money, buy and sell, seek new clients or a pay raise during the next few weeks.
Instead, I made six figures per year but got further into debt every time I got a pay raise.
If you insist on your demand for a pay raise, I shall have no choice but to dismiss you.
We've decided to give you three moths' salary and a promotion, which includes a pay raise.
Or, that green-eyed monster may affect your friend if you get a pay raise and she does not.
Next steps: Read about how to request a pay raise, and schedule some time with your manager.
Earlier this week Google told its more than 23, 000 employees they would get a 10% pay raise in January.
I know my educated dad looked forward to his pay raise every year, and every year he was disappointed.
Suppose the company offered you a pay raise of 50%, would you be determined to leave and look for a job elsewhere?
W: suppose the company offered you a pay raise of 50%, would you be determined to leave and look for a job elsewhere?
Certifications won't always help you become a better technologist, but they can help you land a better job or a pay raise.
Tucker had already won the endorsement of the Arkansas Education Association by promising teachers a big pay raise without a tax increase.
If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that you may buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a pay raise.
Under the new proposed five-year contract, Boeing agrees to give the workers a 4,000-dollar lump sum payout instead of a pay raise this year.
Agile is Not a Religion - members of the team don't care about Agile, they're focused on getting their job done, getting a pay raise and maybe a promotion.
People who complain about being pressed for time often blame an overload at work, home—or both. Now researchers are pointing to a surprising culprit: the pay raise.
Many close to the negotiations noted that the three stars could have gotten a bigger pay raise if they had all negotiated together like the ‘Friends’ cast did in 1996.
Many close to the negotiations noted that the three stars could have gotten a bigger pay raise if they had all negotiated together like the ‘Friends’ cast did in 1996.