He struggled to pay the rent on his $88 a month tenement.
His parents agreed to pay the rent for his apartment but otherwise left him to fend for himself.
"Can you buy this painting to help me pay the rent?" Vincent asked in a low voice.
He took the money and said thanks, thinking that he could buy some food and pay the rent.
Vincent put the five francs into the girl's hands, completely forgetting that he still needed money to pay the rent.
It's the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt.
Never say, “I will fail; I will lose my job; I can’t pay the rent.”
The Wrights worry that if they don’t pay the rent, the landlord will turn them out.
He can't afford to pay the rent, so for now, his car will also function as his home.
Or they might not get a quality tenant, who doesn't pay the rent or trashes the property.
Hence, the giant data centers with plenty of room for anyone willing to pay the rent.
If you don't pay the rent this month, you'll have to pay me two months 'rent next month.
After all, who looks at their baby and says, "When was the last time you helped pay the rent?"
Hisclaimto the lconsidering that well considering that lapsed while he forgot to pay the rent.
Someone has to pay the rent for young people who volunteer or participate in unpaid internships.
But he doesn't realize I don't have much money left after I pay the rent and all the other bills.
They used to help me grow up, and now they help me pay the rent and support my family, "said Zhan."
If the lessee fails to pay the rent according to the time limit, the lessor may rescind the contract.
I can't do it. I wouldn't mind helping you, if I could, but I can't support us both, and pay the rent.
Party yB shall pay the rent and all other amounts due and payable in RMB to the account designated by Party a.
It's hard to say, 'I am shocked by the reality of it, I do feel degraded, but I need to pay the rent and gas bill'.
When Liz's father failed to pay the rent on their flat and moved to a homeless shelter, Liz was out on the streets.
The jobless Brazilians live with each other if they cannot pay the rent, and the church provides the neediest with food parcels.
One of the major reasons I had decided to go ahead as a single mum was because I felt secure – I had a job, I could pay the rent.
One of the major reasons I had decided to go ahead as a single mum was because I felt secure – I had a job, I could pay the rent.