When individuals earn money, their first responsibility is to pay current expenses such as the rent or mortgage expenses, food and other necessities.
As much as possible, pay your bills online. These would be most of the bills in the first category above -utilities, rent or mortgage, cell phone, Internet, etc.
尽可能的在网上支付账单,这些账单包含了上面所写的第一个类别的大部分内容- - -日常水电,房租或按揭,话费,网费等。
As much as possible, pay your bills online. These would be most of the bills in the first category above - utilities, rent or mortgage, cell phone, Internet, etc.
尽可能的在网上支付账单,这些账单包含了上面所写的第一个类别的大部分内容- - -日常水电,房租或按揭,话费,网费等。
Rent was twenty-five dollars a month but Mum couldn't pay it and we knew we would be evicted right after Christmas on the first of January.
Rent was twenty-five dollars a month, but Mum couldn't pay it, and we knew we would be evicted right after Christmas on the first of January.
My rent is due on the first of the month, but I rarely pay my other bills until the 15th.
Few need telling. Refugees "know what it is like to lose a home", so rent is the first bill they pay, he notes.
Few need telling. Refugees "know what it is like to lose a home", so rent is the first bill they pay, he notes.