Most of the cellphones used in Japan are part of third-generation networks and have features like television broadcasting and electronic payment functions.
As part of the Purchase Product use case in the merchant context, the merchant triggers the Request Payment use case in the Simpay context.
These functionaries are not indeed employed exclusively in the protection of industry, nor does their payment constitute, to the individual producer, a part of the expenses of production.
The E-payment becomes the key part in the E-commerce.
I have done my part. would not you do yours-and send me your check in payment of the enclosed old account?
Such is liquidity in this market that a cash-strapped hotel in the central city of Wuhan reportedly decided to use the coupons as part-payment for a decorating job.
In this part, it introduces the payment technology at first. Then the author suggest that J2ME should be applied in payment, and designs a payment frame.
There are three main partners in the value chain of mobile payment: mobile operator, bank and third part service provider.
If advance payment has been agreed only for a part of the Contract price, the payment conditions of the remaining amount will be determined according to the rules set forth in this article.
If advance payment has been agreed only for a part of the contract price, the payment conditions of the remaining amount will be determined according to the rules set forth in this article.
In the fourth part, concerning the practice of our state, the Suggestions of supervision of the third-party payment are made.
Especially, the dissertation enumerates and analyses the domestic main yearly payment system models in the part of domestic and foreign research in current situation.
This paper summarizes the implementation of mobile payment in specific core areas - access link, and around this core part of the analysis demonstrated.
In this part, the author discusses the relation of liquidated damages to damages, down payment, substantial performance as well as dissolution of contract.
In the detail design part of the information processing system of collection payment, this thesis used UML use case, sequence diagram and class diagram to describe the entire design process.
A part of the sacrifice means the payment of more money in taxes.
The closing part, i. e. : how to improve fiscal transfer payment system in our country is the key point in this article.
A redesign aim at the problems of the current system is brought forward in the last part; it mainly deals with basic payment system, annual salary system of manager and payment of salesman.
She never made a payment on those loans, and she never moved in: It turned out that the buyer was part of a multimillion-dollar real estate fraud scheme, and the house got tied up in an F. b.
We thank you for your letter of July 9 enclosing check in part-payment of your account, but would point out that the sum still outstanding is considerable.
We thank you for your letter of July 9 enclosing check in part-payment of your account, but would point out that the sum still outstanding is considerable.