For example, suppose your process involves shipping orders after payment is received and an activity to accept payment from a customer has completed successfully.
The problem has received less attention than it should because it falls along the boundaries of professional and policy domains, from research to payment for services.
Unfortunately the default code matches the vanity plate of a motorist from the nearby town of Huntsville, who has received hundreds of incorrect payment notices over the past year.
Documents leaked from the investigation show they have her own word for it that she received a payment from Mr Berlusconi for several thousand euros.
Income from interest, dividends, bonuses and other income shall be taxed on the amount received in each payment.
Payment of freight costs for goods received from a supplier.
Months later, I received the final letter from Ministry of Labour to tell me that the tough task of collecting payment was authorized to a collection agency.
I've just received instructions from our home office. Your payment terms are acceptable to us, but the new quotation, they think, is still on the high side.
The mailing time of the stock certificate : the aitc will mail out the stock certificate to the client in5business days after aitc received the payment for the stock from the client.
Please note that we have not received a payment yet from your end till this morning.
Because we have not received payment from you, your order has been voided.
We do not deliver the product or credit your account until payment is received from the customer in full.
After payment, please wait around 2weeks. I will send out the clothes after received from china and packed.
We have received payment notice from the bank. We will ship your order in 24 hours (unless it is a holiday). Please check your receiving department. Thank you again for your business.
A letter of credit is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount.
For interest, dividends, bonuses, incidental income and income from other sources, the amount of taxable income shall be the full amount received in each payment.
However, it is a pity that many problems arising from the Banks' payment and settlement of negotiable instruments have not received sufficient attention.
However, it is a pity that many problems arising from the Banks' payment and settlement of negotiable instruments have not received sufficient attention.