The uncertainty with Mr Obama lies with the payroll tax.
This chapter provides an overview of payroll tax tables and discusses how to.
An easy way to do that would be by cutting the employer contribution to the payroll tax.
Indeed, it ought to be spending more now and revisiting the possibility of a payroll tax cut.
They should be merged, with the part of NICS paid by employers left as a stand-alone payroll tax.
The ceiling on the related payroll tax should be increased to cover 90% of earnings, from 86% now.
Because labor demand tends to be more elastic than labor supply, a payroll tax falls largely on employees.
About $400m of the payroll tax will underwrite bonds, which will be used to borrow some $6.5 billion.
A major element of the plan is an extra payroll tax on firms that do not give their workers health insurance.
Gail Collins: I choose getting the affluent before they become elderly and raising the cap on the payroll tax.
But the income tax doesn't take the biggest bite out of most families' annual tax bill. The payroll tax does.
Stimulus should be continued and indeed expanded by providing the payroll tax cut to employers as well as employees.
The plan is expected to include proposals for more stimulus spending and a continuation of the payroll tax cut.
Or exempting the first $20,000 of income from payroll taxes and paying for it with a payroll tax on incomes over $250,000.
Responsible for processing monthly, yearly income tax calculation for staffs. Prepare payroll tax report as required.
He would also cut the employer's share of the payroll tax, with larger cuts for those who boost net payrolls or raise wages.
Or exempting the first $20, 000 of income from payroll taxes and paying for it with a payroll tax on incomes over $250, 000.
She also suggested a suspension of the payroll tax for businesses that hire new workers would have a more immediate impact.
HI is financed by a payroll tax on the earnings of current workers at a rate of 1.45percent on employers and employees each.
If he were to let the payroll tax apply to high incomes, too, he would add another 12.4%, split between employee and employer.
Without the payroll tax cuts and unemployment insurance negotiated last autumn we might now be looking at the possibility of a double dip.
The biggest expenditure, $175bn, is to put more money into the pockets of workers and their families through a 50% cut in payroll tax.
He implored Congress to protect jobs by extending the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefit when it returned from its summer recess.
At full employment, a cut in the employer contribution to the payroll tax would soon be passed on to workers, as competition drives up wages.
Recently officials have suggested extending the payroll tax cut agreed on last December, which is due to expire at the end of 2011, for a year.
His jobs plan includes extended cuts in the payroll tax for workers and employers. It also includes assistance for businesses that add workers.
The payroll tax cut will mean $1, 000 more this year for a typical family – 155 million workers will see larger paychecks because of that tax cut.
对普通家庭而言,今年的工资税收减免额多达1 000多美元——由于该减税法案的实施,将有155 000 000名工人从中受益,工资上涨。
With corporate profits robust and a one-year payroll tax cut set to start this month, there are reasons to hope for continued growth in 2011.
Further savings would come from slowing the rate at which benefits to upper-income earners grow and raising the maximum salary subject to the payroll tax.
But it's easy to imagine the arguments that liberals would have discovered against, say, a sweeping payroll tax holiday it's undercutting Social Security!