During recent years, the application of online handwriting recognition is more and more widespread, mainly due to the increasing popularity of the personal digital assistant (PDA).
For example, in other embodiments, the system may be a pager, personal digital assistant (PDA) or other such device.
In addition, the study evaluated the efficacy and feasibility of using a personal digital assistant (PDA) to supplement the training.
The receiving circuit of the pager is applied in the PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) of the railway communication information system so that the information in the system can be refreshed.
In this paper, from the view of process analysis and system design, problems involved in Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) -based Management Information system (MIS) development are deeply researched.
Personal digital assistant (PDA) is one of the most fitting hardware platforms on integrative field surveying and mapping.
In order to apply the theory of deficit irrigation to practice, a decision-making system for deficit irrigation based on PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) is developed.
The functions of this system software include that it can realize ECG data transceiver, data memory, waveform display and communication management by using servers and Personal Digital Assistant(PDA).
The functions of this system software include that it can realize ECG data transceiver, data memory, waveform display and communication management by using servers and Personal Digital Assistant(PDA).