Data was examined for monthly, weekly, daily, and peak hour time periods.
Building wider roads is no solution to the problem of peak hour congestion.
"In the peak hour, to deliver, " said Zhou, who once delivered food to eight different places in one single hour.
Taking different working hour measure can adjust transportation volume on the road and alleviate transportation stress in the peak hour.
"An average person, "Roach explains, "will, during the peak flatulence period, pass anywhere from one to almost three cups of flatus per hour."
The new beach house on Sullivan's Island should be able to withstand a Category 3 hurricane with peak winds of 179 to 209 kilometers per hour.
In addition, in the same study, all patients were evaluated with dobutamine stress echo, which was negative in all; IMA levels were unchanged at baseline, peak stress and 1 hour after stress.31.
Streams of lava light up Mount Etna during a two-hour eruption on Tuesday night-the peak of the Italianvolcano's fiery week (Mount Etna map).
In September a driverless Audi TTS will speed to the top of Colorado's Pikes Peak at just under 100 kilometers per hour-that's right, no driver.
NASA estimates that between 160 and 200 meteors will ignite in Earth's atmosphere every hour during the display's peak on Thursday night and Friday morning.
Half an hour later, my six-year-old daughter and I were in the parking lot of the Lassen peak trail, getting ready to hike as far as we could up the mountainside.
I know you are tired but try to hang on a little bit longer. We will reach the peak in half an hour.
I know you are tired but try to hand on a little bit longer, We will reach the peak in half an hour.
RESULTS: (l)MDA content: Compared with sham group, MDA content of model group increased after ischemiajt reached the peak at 0.5 hour after reperfusion , then it decreased gradually(P<0.01).
Local power companies have helped by offering off-peak prices of 1.3 cents per kilowatt hour for charging the cars at night.
Geminids December 13 of each year to 14 about the emergence of peak flow rate can reach 120 per hour, and a great flow of relatively long duration.
For the wind industry, the most important change would be to peak wind speeds, because a turbine delivers most of its power only once the wind blows faster than about 25 miles per hour.
Striving for peak performance is a 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year task.
Dagui Mountain Scenic Area is just one hour away from Yangshuo with the highest peak of 1300 m and a river flowing through the foot of the mountain.
Suppose that a peak harvest-season day involves 18,000 barrels of berries, 70% of them wet harvested, arriving over a twelve-hour period from 7 am to 7 PM. Would trucks have to wait to unload?
Suppose that a peak harvest-season day involves 18,000 barrels of berries, 70% of them wet harvested, arriving over a twelve-hour period from 7 am to 7 PM. Would trucks have to wait to unload?