The worker desires to put palaces and parks to common use; the peasant, insofar as he cannot divide them, inclines to burning the palaces and cutting down the parks.
The peasant laborer and the formal worker are unlike payment with the labor, are unlike right no at the same time, are the city border group all the time.
My husband and I wish to become peasant-worker. We will work hard in order to make ourselves and our parents happy.
This thesis tries to analyze the peasant-worker crime by the cultural conflict theory, and find out some resolutions to the seriously social problems.
Based on a case study, the author draws a conclusion that strong ties together with weak ties play a role in the course of occupation re-mobility of peasant worker.
Urban peasant worker has become a huge special group that can't be ignored day by day.
Thirdly, the reason of these problems is various, for example, social cultural layer, the peasant worker themselves, management and the system, etc.
The peasant worker is a social vulnerable group which is due to the economic and social factors.
The shortage of social insurance of peasant-worker makes peasants difficulty in being integrated into cities, which prevent China's urbanization process and improvement of working efficiency.
The peasant-turned contract worker employed by the unit does not pay the unemployment insurance premium.
The role transformation from youth peasant worker to urban-citizen is a process and status which youth peasant are working and living in city and gradually transferring into urban-citizen role.
The peasant worker children who are the marginal person of city, have to need more loving care for the particularity of family environment and society environment.
农民工流动的家庭化带来了农民工子女。 作为城市的边缘人,农民工子女因家庭环境、社会环境的特殊性,更需关怀。
During the course of occupation re-mobility, peasant worker holds two kinds of social capital, that is to say, traditional social capital and modern social capital.
Although this era was called the age of the worker-peasant class, they were but a flat symbol existing in the art works, stout men and sturdy women, without exception.
The Graduate employment, together with the reemployment of laid-off workers and the employment of peasant-worker, have became the three major employment problems in our country.
The neo-peasant-worker is a new social stratum which comes into appearance in recent years.
Currently, in our country the system of peasant-worker is not justice. This is the basic reason to result in the peasant-worker's citizen treatment imperfection.
This text starts with producing the immediate cause "the neglect of peasant worker", it is analyzed that its basic reason lies in a dual system that cuts apart in urban and rural areas.
The fifth part, summarizes the research conclusions, explores the positive aspects and need to improve aspects of peasant-worker children's compulsory education in Taizhou.
At present, urban peasant worker in China totaled 120 million around.
The fourth part, analyses the impact factors of peasant-worker children's compulsory education.
The fourth part studies the impact of the changes of consumption conditions on the social status of peasant-worker family.
Thirdly, we hold a profound-discussion about the current situations of peasant worker slack of rights and its reasons by displaying some examples and data.
The Graduate employment, together with the reemployment of laid-off workers and the employment of peasant-worker, have became the three major employment problems in our country.
The Graduate employment, together with the reemployment of laid-off workers and the employment of peasant-worker, have became the three major employment problems in our country.