Not bad for an illiterate Ethiopian peasant who as a child never went to a day of school.
Born to a peasant family with seven children but no land, Ms. Cha spent her childhood working in the fields and studying at an informal night school.
Good high schools can cost $3,000 for three years, and a high-school-age laborer can earn $150 a month; that’s a cost differential of about $8,400—a fortune for poor peasant families.
Born into a peasant family in Champs-Geraux, a village in western Brittany, he was mocked at school in Rennes for his rural accent and shabby clothes, and left at the age of 15.
Kretschkov is an important representative of Neo-peasant poems, one of the most significant school of poems in the Silver Age in Russia.
About three or four nights every week, peasant debtors, bearing gifts of meat and wine, would feast the principal in the school rooms, trying to persuade him not to foreclose on their land.
Beside the Yellow River I met a 70-year-old peasant named Hao Wang, who had never gone to a day of school. He couldn't even write his name-and yet his progeny were different.
Objective To understand the accident injury behaviors among junior high school students in peasant workers children school for injury prevention and intervention.
Objective To understand the accident injury behaviors among junior high school students in peasant workers children school for injury prevention and intervention.