The finding is an extension of his research on humans, which has been published in many peer-reviewed journals.
But there is little, if anything, in peer-reviewed journals about the paradox of good parents with toxic children.
The term evidence includes all scientific assessments, whether research studies in peer-reviewed journals or previous HIAs.
Cosmetics companies worldwide now employ teams of scientists who publish their research in respected, peer-reviewed journals.
Emerging scientific nations are gaining influence, as measured by how often their researchers get cited in peer-reviewed journals.
The analysis used the Thomson Scientific database, which keeps track of more than 9,000 international and regional peer-reviewed journals.
The Bethesda, Maryland-based society has 10,500 members and publishes 14 peer-reviewed journals containing almost 4,000 articles annually.
The WHO Expert Group placed particular emphasis on scientific quality, using information mainly in peer-reviewed journals, so that valid conclusions could be drawn.
Of course, there is useful information that can be found in other locations, but I would try to focus most of my reading on reports published by peer-reviewed journals.
That was four years ago; and since then, further research published in peer-reviewed journals has, if anything, weakened the solar case - whether involving cosmic rays or not.
这还只是四年前的普遍认识。 最近,一些经同行审阅发表的文章进一步弱化了太阳活动的影响——宇宙射线甚至被排除在考虑因素之外。
We would like to see those analyses published in peer-reviewed journals so that the totality of information on the cardiovascular safety of Avandia is available to doctors and patients.
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution offered a graduate student course co-taught by scientists and journalists called "How Not to Write for Peer-Reviewed Journals: Talking to Everybody Else."
Many of these journals will be in English, and additional resources will be needed to help ensure that articles read well and are peer-reviewed fairly.
He wanted professors to publish in the top peer-reviewed American journals, so they started to write and teach in English.
Critics to open-access policies say that the free distribution of articles may reduce the value of journals and increase the prominence of non-peer-reviewed research.
Also, The journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, while peer-reviewed, is one of less-respected psychology journals.
Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 550 high quality education journals, including more than 350 peer-reviewed titles.
He has both authored and edited numerous reports for publication in peer reviewed scientific journals, as well as grant applications, patent applications and white papers.
We have reported our research results with 22 professional papers published on international peer reviewed journals, which all entered three international indexes online;
Nevertheless, homeopathy did not disappear and its advocates gleefully point to studies in peer-reviewed scientific journals that appear to show benefit.
He has had a long interest in research, and has been rewarded with more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed international SCI journals.
These studies were published in leading peer-reviewed medical journals and are empowering many people with new hope and new choices.
These studies were published in leading peer-reviewed medical journals and are empowering many people with new hope and new choices.