Paul looked through his green glasses peevishly when the other speaker brought down the house with applause.
If you talk so, I won't tell you any more, 'she returned peevishly, rising to her feet.' I accepted him, Nelly.
"I've been sick, I told you," he said, peevishly, almost resenting her excessive pity. It came hard to him to receive it from such a source.
Yesterday, the family who left us the inside of the not far cabin here acted peevishly and afterwards the things of inside was all thrown to come out.
At times like that the instinctive reaction is to childishly and peevishly cast around in search of somebody else to blame, but the real truth is self-evident and undeniable.
The morning was fresh and cool; I threw back the lattice, and presently the room filled with sweet scents from the garden; but Catherine called peevishly to me, 'Ellen, shut the window.
The morning was fresh and cool; I threw back the lattice, and presently the room filled with sweet scents from the garden; but Catherine called peevishly to me, 'Ellen, shut the window.