Neither the human imitative instinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater.
Their penchant for social drama is not—or not only—a way of distracting themselves from their schoolwork or of driving adults crazy.
It is widely believed that the Peugeot family tired of Mr. Streiff's autocratic ways and penchant for confrontation.
Most emerging countries have a penchant for highly diversified conglomerates.
The result is a confident account marred by occasional flaws: a penchant for mixed metaphors plus some fanciful lapses and minor factual errors.
It's up to you to discover what her ears have a penchant for.
So if you are a working scientist with a penchant for writing, there is nothing like taking a crash course in journalism and then start writing - and enjoy the best of both worlds!
Mr Chavez's penchant for nationalisation as a presumed panacea for the evils of the private sector is seen by many specialists as part of the problem, rather than the solution.
Combine this with c's penchant for short, cryptic variable names, and you have a recipe for disaster.
Man sees work as beneficial to his being, but his fervor reveals his penchant for evil.
He is clearly a rather delightful man, with a penchant for practical jokes; through his life-story, the book explains how scientists have come to understand the history of the world's climate.
He also had a penchant for biographical parts, winning an Oscar for "The Story of Louis Pasteur" (1936).
They argue that mankind’s prehistoric penchant for mammoth may have had a discernible effect on climate.
Californian condors appear to have a penchant for collecting pieces of junk, incorporating them into their nests, and feeding them to their nestlings.
For more abstract statements that are further removed from the physical world, he points to the structure of our brains and our penchant for logic.
Yet in Silicon Valley, where pasty-faced youths with a penchant for churning out computer code are often feted as rock stars, celluloid fantasy can sometimes become reality.
While some people have a natural penchant for all things dramatic, including giving notice, many of these over-the-top resignations come from frustrated workers who've reached a boiling point.
Asians have long had a penchant for luxury and conspicuous consumption.
Despite the cutthroat nature of the Indian media and its penchant for the sensational, the press has behaved as if it were in an older era.It is refreshing.
Young Indians have a penchant for browsing marriage sites in search of a good match.
That included one executive's penchant for tango. His own wife wasn't interested in lessons, so he dragged his administrative assistant to lessons.
So our hand preference, and our penchant for speech, may extend deep into our evolutionary past.
Perhaps Beckham is heeding Churchill, who had a penchant for pigs.
The strip pokes fun at Putin's judo hobby and Medvedev's penchant for technological gadgets.
Despite the cutthroat nature of the Indian media and its penchant for the sensational, the press has behaved as if it were in an older era. It is refreshing.
Despite the cutthroat nature of the Indian media and its penchant for the sensational, the press has behaved as if it were in an older era.
Despite the cutthroat nature of the Indian media and its penchant for the sensational, the press has behaved as if it were in an older era.