Select Process the pending request and install the certificate and click Next.
选择processthe pending requestandinstallthe certificate并单击Next。
Of the fifteen lines shown, eleven are dedicated to telling what data goes with a pending request.
When channels are reused, however, a faulting channel can take down more than one pending request or send.
The protocol design has to take care of tracking pending requests and identifying which request the response corresponds to.
The server maintains a queue of pending requests, executes them one after another instead of executing one, reads the next request from the wire, and so on.
After you have implemented one of the domain control verifications methods described above, log into your account, and click on the pending request for your common name.
The survey found that 10 federal agencies had misrepresented their backlog of FOIA requests in annual reports to Congress, misstating the age of their oldest pending request.
调查发现10 个联邦机构在对国会的年报中已经歪曲了信息自由法案请求的积压,错报了他们最久的未决定请求年限。
You can also use this Web site to download a certificate authority (ca) certificate, certificate chain, or certificate revocation list (CRL), or to view the status of a pending request.
By setting a time-out interval, you can make sure that a pending request returns based on a time interval that you specify, instead of waiting for the asynchronous communication layer to time out.
This avoids the problem of congesting the network channel with non-critical resources when a high-priority request is pending.
The request ID is also used to control and manage the pending and executing SPML requests at the server.
You can check the status of your requests at any time to see whether the content has been removed, or whether the request is still or pending or was denied.
In the By Resource view shown in figure 3, you can see that the user has two accepted reservations, one declined reservation (because it conflicted with another), and one pending reservation request.
But instead of sending any response to the client as a result of the exception, the request is held in a queue of pending Continuations, and the HTTP connection is kept open.
Two seconds later, as the suspend timeouts expire, the first request is retrieved from the pending queue and resubmitted to the ContinuationServlet.
Dispatcher? Manages an Activation queue of service requests that are pending execution; it decides which request to de-queue next and execute on a service Delegate object that implements the request.
The page includes a travel request portlet, which employees use to initiate travel requests, and a status portlet, which shows all pending travel requests along with current status of each.
此页包括一个旅行请求Portlet,员工可以使用它来发出旅行请求,此页还包括一个状态 Portlet,它显示所有正在等待审批的旅行请求以及每个请求的当前状态。
CancelRequest — This operation allows the ra to cancel the execution of a pending asynchronous request.
For each pending connection, soabort is called, which issues tcp_usrreq with PRU_ABORT as the request.
You can indicate that a request must be triaged by setting the triage field in the work item to Pending.
In this case, the receiver of the request subaction generates a 'pending acknowledge' to signal the requester node that the message has been well received, and that a response subaction will follow.
Set the certificate request status to pending. The administrator must explicitly issue the certificate.
Initialize request - the transaction layer must discard all pending transactions and start accepting link or application layer requests.
Reset request – the transaction layer must discard all pending transactions and stop accepting link or application layer requests.
Figure 3 This message indicates a successful request, pending certificate issuance.
A transfer request has been received for the domain, and completion of the request is pending.
By setting a time-out interval, you can make sure that a pending network call returns control reliably, instead of waiting for the underlying network stack to time out the request.
By setting a time-out interval, you can make sure that a pending network call returns control reliably, instead of waiting for the underlying network stack to time out the request.