As pent-up demand builds, so will the pressure for more spending.
Klinefelter says there's plenty of pent-up demand in the teen sector.
Consumers are not the spent force they are elsewhere so there ought to be some pent-up demand.
The pent-up demand is starting to filter through, though it is more a trickle than a flood.
There is plenty of pent-up demand, because Vista’s aged predecessor, XP, is still widely used.
Normally, deep recessions are followed by strong recoveries as pent-up demand reasserts itself.
“There is pent-up demand that has been building for 50 years, ” says Michael Klibaner of JLL in Shanghai.
But a deep recession can create pent-up demand for travel in a recovery, and investors seem to expect one.
But if consumer spending is already rising strongly in Asia, there is little pent-up demand ready to explode.
There are sound reasons for prices to rise in China, given income growth and huge pent-up demand for decent housing.
Despite what so many founders of startups think, there is no pent-up demand for their products from customers ready to pounce.
"It took Apple and its ecosystem of apps and interactivity to prove the pent-up demand for ubiquitous broadband," Vellody says.
This might indicate that some of the pent-up demand for affordable air travel, from businessmen and middle-class families, has been satisfied.
Only 15% of their assets are subject to "gates" that stop them withdrawing money, suggesting there is little pent-up demand for further redemptions.
But unless there are other factors pushing demand, GDP will plateau when the pent-up demand is satisfied and inventories are restocked to a normal level.
Most cars will be junked long before that, either because they’ve worn out or because they’ve become obsolete, so we’re building up a pent-up demand for cars.
Most recessions end as companies clear excess inventories and as households, with a boost from lower interest rates, release pent-up demand for cars and houses.
But pent-up demand by businesses, after slashing expenditures sharply in the past year, could prove critical in giving the economy the velocity it needs to recover.
We believe there is strong pent-up demand for an automated power management solution with chip design teams building mainstream products in more modest volumes than Apple.
There is pent-up demand from postponement of purchases (especially of durable goods, where postponing replacing is feasible) and selling from inventory rather than from new production.
Pent-up aggressive impulses demand outlets.
In a few months Gome has gone from an example of extraordinary success, as it served China's pent-up consumer demand, to an example of the murky and fragile state of Chinese business.
Buyers and traders alike however need to beware as there is a lot of pent up demand and teh market could bounce very sharply as and when it finds the bottom.
Buyers and traders alike however need to beware as there is a lot of pent up demand and teh market could bounce very sharply as and when it finds the bottom.