There is the spiral structure in the sunspot penumbra.
This includes the continuous survey of umbra and penumbra of the sunspot.
This review reveals the application of MRI to the penumbra in neonate with HIE.
Moon enters penumbra: instant of first external tangency of moon with the penumbra.
Results Well defined ischemic core and penumbra area appeared in each experimental animal.
When the spot approaches the west limb, the penumbra toward the disk-center has no tendency to disappear.
Admittedly, truly global celebrities are few in number. But they have a penumbra of agents, lawyers and image-makers.
Objective: to study protective mechanisms of superficial needling to ischemic penumbra neuron in cerebral infarction rats.
New imaging techniques are helpful in identifying ischemic penumbra and the selection of patients for thrombolytic therapy.
Between the two are dynamic process of pathophysiologic, the ischemia penumbra will gradually reduce with the time going on.
The clinical treatment of the key is to save the ischemic region (penumbra) of dying neurons and promote damage nerve function recovery.
I took what was in the light, brought it to bear on what was at the edge of the penumbra, and to my satisfaction, more of that entered the light.
The identification of these patients is of importance because the patients with ischemic penumbra are more like ly to benefit from the treatment.
ResultS COX - 2 protein induction paralleled temporally and overlapped anatomically the appearance of TUNEL - positive cells in ischemic penumbra.
On the early onset, thrombolytic therapy could timely restore blood flow of ischemic tissue and efficiently salvage the function of ischemic penumbra.
However, as the entire moon will cross the penumbra partial shadow of the earth, it will appear significantly dimmer around the time of partial eclipse.
Partial solar eclipses occur when the Moon's penumbra touches Earth; partial lunar eclipses occur when the only part of the Moon passes through Earth's umbra.
The therapeutic target is to salvage potentially reversible ischemic tissue (ischemic penumbra, IP) to reduce infarct size and improve neuromuscular function.
To recover blood supply of brain tissue in ischemic region especially in ischemic penumbra in time, it will have great significance in treating and prognosis.
The article reviews the changes of hematoma and ischemic penumbra, brain edema, hyperfibrinolysis after cerebral hemorrhage, and as well as amyloid angiopathy.
CONCLUSION: GLUT1 expression is notably up-regulated in the penumbra region after focal cerebral ischemia, it may be a protective reaction against ischemic injury.
Aim: To investigate the changes of amyloid precursor protein (APP) transcriptional level at different ischemic times in rats' ischemic penumbra and core of cortices.
As has been pointed out by, amongst other authors, Elizabeth Spillius, the terms envy and jealousy often overlap, vary in meaning and have a "large penumbra of associations".
就认同曾经被指出的那样,在其他许多作者中,Elizabeth Spillius认为嫉羡和妒忌这两个术语常常重叠,意义上不同,有“联系上很大的模糊之处”。
Objective To explore the value of diffusion weighed imaging (DWI) and perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) in the diagnosis of the ischemic penumbra (IP) of superacute infarction.
Conclusions Piper Willichii can improve the tolerance of the dog on brainstem ischemia, decrease the range of ischemia penumbra and lighten the degree of pathological changes.
We are also trying to buy up the digital rights to the penumbra that is neuroscience, cognitive science, and the like, so that you will be able to get the allied literature as well.
We are also trying to buy up the digital rights to the penumbra that is neuroscience, cognitive science, and the like, so that you will be able to get the allied literature as well.