People at that time didn't know who's Libyan and who's a foreigner.
These kind of working people at that time showed the wisdom and the arts can be.
For people at that time, his stories were like the soap operas we see on TV today.
The ruins of Troy City can tell people at that time Troy City was very wealthy and very grand.
People at that time condemned sociability, on the grounds that it might interfere with work and study.
But if people at that time have animal protection consciousness, you will not cause the dodo extinction.
That specific history time decided that people at that time took money much more seriously, even on their marriage.
Finding a day to escape a token disaster and treating it as a regular ceremony might be a brilliant idea of the people at that time.
Most of the people at that time paid no attention to the general progress of events but were guided only by their private interests.
Moreover, the gifted females could not get any advantages in marriage because people at that time thought highly of the virtuous women.
Next, this article discusses the tools of the assassin and the people at that time especially ministers how to guard against assassins.
Spinning tools, such as stone and pottery spinning wheels and bone needles, indicate people at that time can make clothes by sewing up animal skins.
The gay love is the new hot issue in the new century, unlike the old days, the gay love was thought to be taboo love, people at that time took it as a shame, they never talked about it.
The Jingshi group did not know about the essence of whole social problems and could not save the Ming Empire, but their thought still put an important effect on the people at that time and late ages.
I believe that people should take time to relax with hobbies or activities that are very different from what they do at work.
We tend to think that people who lived at that time must have been pretty primitive.
At the same time, people continue to treat fire as an event that needs to be wholly controlled and unleashed only out of necessity, says Professor Balch at the University of Colorado.
As a linguist once said, "You can get people to think it's nonsense at the same time that you buy into it."
She reused some bicycle parts and created a washing machine that saves time, energy and keeps people fit at the same time.
I am no longer surprised when I hear people describe this incredible power that exists because how someone treated them at some time in their life.
Pellagra was virtually unknown at that time in the Americas, however, even among people who subsisted primarily on maize.
As a linguist once said, "You can get people to think it's nonsense at the same time that you buy into it. “
Common people also ordered takeaway food at that time.
At that time, most Chinese people made their living on farms.
At that time, most Chinese people made their living on farms.