In the meantime, he and the other people who run Vegas believe the deck will get reshuffled and new players will sit down at the table as casino owners, but the game itself won't change.
The vaccine is at least 10 years away, and in the meantime everyone needs prevention and people living with HIV need access to anti-retroviral treatment.
In the meantime, at least two people were killed and as many as 13 wounded early Tuesday when, for the second time in as many days, a suicide car bomber attacked a security checkpoint in Baghdad.
In the meantime, at the state and local level-people are taking matters into their own hands.
In the meantime, the standard of education at all levels has fallen and Burma is a country crying out for the potential of its people, especially its young people, to be realized.
In fact everybody has already peeped desire and is peeped desire, living medium we can be peep other people at any time, also is peep by the other people in the meantime.
These people for a meantime the hand is incredibly a dead hand and also disallowed to fully make them have the opportunity of openings at 1:00.
These people for a meantime the hand is incredibly a dead hand and also disallowed to fully make them have the opportunity of openings at 1:00.