In many countries, people will hold up dragon boat racing to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.
The authorities in Hong Kong have released a second group of Vietnamese boat people from detention after Vietnam refused to accept them.
People like Tri Tran, who fled Vietnam on a boat in 1986, showed up in San Jose with nothing, made it to MIT, and then founded the food delivery start up Munchery, which is valued at $ 300 million.
On a hot day many years ago my the-middle school daughter Emily, one of the most optimistic people I know, was paddling with me in a cardboard boat race.
There can be up to 36 people or more racing in each boat in the water.
Most of the people were excellent boat makers and they could make boats in a variety of shapes and sizes for travelling along the rivers and in the oceans.
When the steel plant shut down, the town's people were all in the same boat. The workers had no jobs, and this meant the shops had no business. It was really tough all around.
In fact, the Danish captain explains that, strictly speaking, the boat is designed to be run by just 13 people; but he likes to have some more on board, for maintenance and repairs... Sensible chap.
In Guangzhou, people celebrate this festival by riding the dragon boat and lighting firecrackers.
When they refused, it resorted to a furbizia, a ruse: it issued the boat-people with temporary residence permits, not to settle in Italy, but to speed them on their way across the Alps.
In stark contrast, the department approved only 39 per cent of protection visa requests for non-boat arrivals in the first half of this financial year, or 909 people from the 2321 people who applied.
Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore.
A pleasure boat carrying more than 180 people has sunk in the Volga River in Russia.
Years ago, Wang Zengqi "Dragon Boat Duck" to let people know the Yangzhou Gaoyou this place, but not only exists in Yangzhou delicious Gaoyou, Yangzhou fried rice.
Christmas Island's 1, 400 residents are outnumbered by the 2, 777 boat people who are held in a centre, often for lengthy periods, while authorities assess their asylum claims.
These people may fear that if they rock the boat in the smallest way, the ones they love will leave.
Water brings us happinesstoo. We can swim in the late and sea in the summer . People in china have the Drago Boat race in the river.
Every Dragon Boat Festival, people sweep the house clean, sprinkle with realgar water in the kitchen, to kill the vermin or prevent propagation of poisonous insect.
In Stephen Crane's The Open Boat, the four people understand each other, help each other and struggle with the merciless nature stubbornly .
The gods decided to jump into Huang Heli, people in order to commemorate him do some sticky rice to fish to eat in the Dragon Boat Festival hope don't eat the immortal.
Lunar May, that is, the Dragon Boat Festival this season, for the Chinese people, in addition to the story of Qu Yuan, there are many other important significance.
The first Dragon-boat Festival was observed after the death of QuYuan, and people showed their respect to this great man in a unique way.
What could be better than take a leaf boat in the vast sea of floating people ecstasy, totally forget vulgar!
The size of this vessel — just 29 feet wide, with four levels from top to below decks — means you can't help but be immersed in the people and workings of the boat that's taking you places.
The size of this vessel — just 29 feet wide, with four levels from top to below decks — means you can't help but be immersed in the people and workings of the boat that's taking you places.