Ways of improving crop yield per unit area and the countermeasures.
There is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land.
Fuel load is measured by the amount of available fuel per unit area, usually tons per acre.
The amount or degree of strength of electricity, light, heat, or sound per unit area or volume.
The number of panicles per unit area was the most important yield components in determining final yield.
This tree cultivation, increased per unit area of the long and leaves though, can play an important role.
The surface force per unit area exerted at the top of a wellbore when it is closed at either the Christmas tree or the BOP stack.
For example, the use of TDR may allow for increases in the number of dwelling units per unit area and increases in floor area ratios.
And it was more significant to achieve higher yields by increasing grain number per spike than by enhancing spike number per unit area.
Because of the diminishing opportunity to expand cultivated land, researches have been mostly focused on the rise of yield per unit area.
It was found that the oxygen concentration on carbon black surface is proportional to the ozone supplied per unit area of carbon black surface.
The bolls per unit area of cotton leafy shoots retained at low density could reach the same level as cotton leafy shoots removed at normal density.
An important method of increasing rice yield per unit area is to improve the rice-planting mechanization lever and use advanced planting technology.
For this project is a heavier steel structure, plant production double-layer lattice rigid support scheme, the amount of steel per unit area save about 10%.
Four components contribute to rice grain yield including the panicles per unit area, the number of spikelets, the percentage of, and the weight of ripe grains.
Increasing the applying amount of nitrogen and phosphorus could all promoted nitrogen and phosphorus content in plants and total dry matter weight per unit area.
We must protect primary farmland, keep the area sown to grain stable, improve the structure of grain varieties grown and increase the per unit area yield of grain.
This thesis study one of important factor in per unit area yield travel speed measure device and his sensor choice and relevant error analysis of form especially.
Moreover, the application of angle-count cruising to calculating the stand volume, standard stock number, stand weight and stock number per unit area, is discussed.
Increasing yield level per unit area is forever theme for rice breeding aim, and advancing photosynthesis efficiency is one of key factors for improving grain yield.
The measured CO2 values are substituted in a formula to calculate the CO2 flux per unit area and per unit time at different depths under standard atmospheric pressure .
The result of experiments shows that the inclined plate settlers have a high throughput per unit area and the degree of separation compared with common gravity settler.
The paper puts forward the quantization formula by regarding fictitious yield per unit area as one way of contrasting and evaluating the economic results of aquaculture.
The bone mineral density (BMD) means the bony mineral quantity per unit area, which is an important index reflecting the metabolic status of the skeleton of human being.
But many defects exist in the pear industry such as unreasonable varieties structure, low yield per unit area, the shortage of high quality fruits, poor benefit and so on.
But many defects exist in the pear industry such as unreasonable varieties structure, low yield per unit area, the shortage of high quality fruits, poor benefit and so on.