You don't want to tell a perfect stranger about your medical issues, especially one who's deciding whether or not to hire you.
To make the kind of work I do - which hopes for a beautiful thing out of an encounter with a perfect stranger - I have to be an optimist, I have to be trusting in humankind.
OK? "said this stranger, speaking softly in perfect Russian, but with an accent that she placed, immediately, as English."
In fact, when you initially approach a woman, your goal is to progress from being a perfect stranger to making a deep connection.
Imagine sitting on a plane, bus, or in a public place when a perfect stranger walks up to you and starts asking personal questions about your family.
Look very beautiful industry once entered discovered many places actually not so perfect, but a stranger is invisible.
It was the least I could do for this perfect stranger, who had brought me out of a dismal time with a mere flash of a smile.
Now here's my question: Would you hand over your car keys to a perfect stranger? What about those to your office or home? Of course not!
And so, we feel more anger when a loved one tells us how to improve our driving--or our health, or whatever--than we do when a perfect stranger gives us such advice.
You're so mad that you are acting as if she is completely, perfectly unfamiliar to you. A perfect stranger.
This month, moviegoers get to see the older, wiser, still-stunning Berry play an investigative reporter in Perfect Stranger, a murder mystery costarring Bruce Willis.
If you are acting like someone is a perfect stranger, you are not acting as if she might be a little familiar, or as if you might know her a bit, but not very well.
If you are acting like someone is a perfect stranger, you are not acting as if she might be a little familiar, or as if you might know her a bit, but not very well.