Perhaps most importantly, he haggles with Congress over contentious bits of legislation.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, don't let other people tell you what to do and how to live.
Perhaps most importantly, you’ve come to depend on the habit to relieve you from the pain of living.
Perhaps most importantly, you've come to depend on the habit to relieve you from the pain of living.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, editors can only know about HTML as it existed when they were released.
Perhaps most importantly, there are rumors that some of Apple's prototypes for the iPhone 5 incorporate NFC technology.
And perhaps most importantly, will Wolfram Alpha be able to effectively use advertising to power its future growth?
Perhaps most importantly, GamesThatGive has decided to keep the number of charities on the platform at any time limited.
Not only have you lost your job; you've lost routine, money, pride and perhaps most importantly, a sense of purpose.
And, perhaps most importantly, changes made to the GRUB configuration file do not require GRUB to be reinstalled in the MBR.
Gold is on the up. The euro is falling apart. And, perhaps most importantly of all, the dollar is in long-term decline.
Perhaps most importantly, the study suggests that belly fat is more relevant to colon cancer risk than fat in other places.
Perhaps most importantly, testing becomes very natural, even of the most important and complex parts of the business logic.
Perhaps most importantly it is the attitude that does not grasp selfishly at power and status but shares its gifts with all.
Not only is the library extensive, each component in itself is very versatile, reusable, and, perhaps most importantly, customizable.
And lastly and I think perhaps most importantly we should be creating materials that fit into what I call nature's recycling system.
The existing fakeroot utility is certainly available as open source, it's in use in Debian, and perhaps most importantly, it is existing code.
Perhaps most importantly, critics pointed to the fact that in McClintock's 1971 findings she didn't explain why women's cycles were in sync.
Perhaps most importantly, JFFS2 was specifically created for embedded devices like flash chips, so its overall design provides better flash management.
But perhaps most importantly, science fiction or something resembling it and descended from it is not going to die because it will always be needed.
Perhaps most importantly, users can buy Deals using Facebook Credits, paving a smooth path between a virtual currency and real-world goods and services.
Perhaps most importantly, they should take into account the number or ultra-wealthy already living in the country as the rich tend to flock together.
That envelope is to contain the key to your future and, perhaps most importantly of all, to inform you whether you need to suffer again the horrors of exams.
Perhaps most importantly, the appliance provides an extremely secure environment from which to create and manage your on-premise WebSphere Application Server cloud.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the more countries institutionalize construction of environmental accounts, the greater the momentum for more of the same.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the more countries institutionalize construction of environmental accounts, the greater the momentum for more of the same.