For instance, the test of a multiple-interface and high volume service will be different than a service that handles periodic requests with huge message sizes.
You are allowed to use on the test the official version of the Periodic Table of the Elements which most of you should have by now.
Once you get a load test running with an automated build, schedule it to run on a periodic basis, such as nightly.
I thought back to the periodic interruption I'd grown up with in the mid-20th century — the ear-invading tone that was part of the radio and TV "emergency broadcasting system" test.
Why not according to the system of periodic test and inspection?
No periodic verification and test record on safety valves.
Preside to take safety emergency measures for the company's periodic evaluation and tests. Mention the necessary equipment that is needed for the test safety.
It is important to reduce leakage power to improve battery life in portable systems employing periodic self-test, to increase reliability of test and to reduce test-cost.
There are all kinds of antennas used in EMC test such as biconical antennas, log periodic antenna, helical antenna, ridged horn antenna and etc.
A remember about the Periodic Table test which will be added next week on the 23rd.
The preventive measures of regular patrol and periodic device test should be strengthened.
The periodic test of the microprocessor-based protection is an important method to find and treat its defects.
Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, a research project, and classroom participation.
The test scheme and identification method were given which solved the problem of periodic error caused by the earth rotation angular velocity.
The skid bank fatigue life test of automobile transmission assembly has a long periodic time, which should go on under certain temperature and load.
Studies of batch test and composting reactor presented optimized conditions as follows:keeping 50%-60% of moisture content by periodic replenishment of water.
Single cell test& discharger is an instrument that can maintain, test capacity to battery and all kinds of DC power supply, accept to new battery project and charge deeply periodic.
单体检测整组放电仪是对 蓄电池组及各种直流电源 设备进行维护及容量检测,新电池工程验收和定期深度放电的仪器。
It showed a positive reaction in periodic acid Schiff's glycoprotein staining test.
It showed a positive reaction in periodic acid Schiff's glycoprotein staining test.