The distribution of soil grains and pores in soil mass directly influence the permeability of soil mass.
The permeability of soil showed downtrend along with the period of tillage prolonged during the whole infiltration process.
After planting alfalfa, the soil aggregate was increased and the permeability of soil moisture and aeration of soil was enhanced.
By reducing the permeability of soil at the bottom of pit and selecting optimal dewatering depth, the settlement of ground surface can be well controlled.
IFCO BAT system is a set of in-situ test system, which can gain the pore water pressure of ground and in-situ permeability of soil quickly and accurately.
IFCO BAT系统是一套能快速、准确获取地基孔隙水压力和原位渗透系数的先进测试系统。
The results showed that permeability of soil in karst area was effected by the soil structure, grain size composition, mineral composition and plant root.
The higher the clay particle content in DCS was, the longer the time needed for the development of GPDS was, and the worse the permeability of soil mass was;
By orthogonal tests, the influence of three factors on the coefficient of permeability of soil-rock-mixture, the significance of different factors was determined.
The importance to monitor the pore water pressure and to study the permeability of soil under the north anchorage of Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge is analyzed firstly.
The test results show that: (1) For low degree of compaction and moderate permeability of soil, sudden-ly landslides will occur at toe of slope due to the seepage of groundwater.
OADC with consideration on the gradual variation of horizontal permeability of soil in disturbed zone is greater than the one without considering the horizontal permeability variation.
When GPDS developed in DCS, the permeability of soil mass would become dramatically larger, and the seepage force of groundwater and pore water pressure on sliding surface would reduce;
The magnitude of load, the pre-consolidation pressure of soil, as well as the variations of compressibility and permeability of soil, all has significant influence on the consolidation behavior.
Soil permeability is an important index of evaluating water source conservation function.
Straw mulched could improve soil granular structure, and increase the content of water-stable aggregates, so the ability of permeability, fertilizer and water conservation got improved.
If the infiltration intensity is less then the saturated permeability coefficient, the surface soil finally reaches to an unsaturated infiltration stage instead of saturated infiltration stage.
Soil permeability is one of the important physical properties of soil and important component of the ecological benefits.
Based on the equation of soil water feature curve and the relationship between soil water feature curve and permeability function, the permeability function equation of unsaturated soil is derived.
Effective compaction can improve the bearing capacity of the soil, improve not permeability.
For complexity and diversity of unsaturated soil behaviors, there lies a great difference in permeability characteristics between unsaturated soil and saturated soil.
The soil and water loss violently, the main reason was human's destroy on natural vegetation, thus it thoroughly destroyed the permeability and anti-scouring of soil.
However, the effect of its permeability and water-maintaining in loam soil, sandy loam and vermiculite was not so obvious as in soddy soil.
Measurement of soil grain and pore size distribution, observation of soil microstructure and permeability test are used to study soil structure and permeability.
The analysis results also show that foundation pit tends to fail in anisotropic soil when horizontal permeability coefficient is larger than that of vertical.
The method can be used for measuring the vertical saturation permeability coefficient of the soil outdoors quickly and accurately.
By using this model the soil-water characteristics and permeability coefficient of unsaturated soil are deduced and expressed in fractal dimension and air-entry value.
Different precipitation patterns and permeability coefficient of roadbed soil were analyzed by the calculation examples, the variation laws of changes of slope safety factor was summarized.
Second, the state of inter-aggregate pore water of cohesive soil is determined by(balanced) condition between damping of bound water membrane and permeability pressure of hydraulic gradient.
Second, the state of inter-aggregate pore water of cohesive soil is determined by(balanced) condition between damping of bound water membrane and permeability pressure of hydraulic gradient.