I am not here to endorse candidate Rick Perry, but the point of his charge is obviously true: each generation can't keep taking more out of the system than it put in, once the demographics change.
Which brings me to a final thought: maybe all this amounts to a case for Rick Perry.
Texas governor Rick Perry proclaimed "the Response," a day of prayer and fasting in Houston this August, in reaction to natural disasters and the national debt crisis.
Last year, for example, Texas Governor Rick Perry held a ceremony for Huawei's expansion of a facility in Plano.
In the governor's race in Texas earlier this year Rick Perry, the popular Republican incumbent, successfully attacked Kay Bailey Hutchison, his opponent in the primary, for chasing federal money.
No other governor in America's recent history except his successor, Rick Perry, has overseen so many executions.
Why don't I expect much from Mr. Bernanke? In two words: Rick Perry.
In 2002 the governor, Rick Perry, offered a grand vision: the Trans-Texas Corridor, a network of highways criss-crossing the state.
Rick Perry was pilloried for suggesting that in some rugged areas, more “aviation assets in the ground” might be better than fencing.
Texas Governor Rick Perry says private companies that supply power to the Houston area are making progress in restoring electric lines.
All the same, there are other current and former governors who this newspaper wishes were in the race—notably Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Mitch Daniels and Rick Perry.
But Bachmann's victory was overshadowed somewhat by the entrance into the race of Texas Governor Rick Perry.
The latest figure spread-eagled haplessly on the field is that of Rick Perry, the governor of Texas, who has managed to go from hero to zero after less than two months in the race.
On May 25, 2010, Consul General Gao Yanping met with Texas Governor Rick Perry at the office building of the Chinese Consulate General in Houston.
On the Republican side, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney are leading by a landslide.
All this fiscal toughness is doing the governor, Rick Perry, no harm.
Last month Texas's governor, Rick Perry, issued a disaster proclamation for much of the state, noting that the drought conditions have worsened the threat of wildfires.
Texas Governor Rick Perry said the state of Texas could secede from the Union if it wanted to.
Popular governors such as Mitch Daniels of Indiana, Haley Barbour of Mississippi, Chris Christie of New Jersey and Rick Perry of Texas chose not to run when Mr Obama looked unbeatable.
Well, the Cheshire Cat-like Rick Perry — he seems to be fading out, bit by bit, until only the hair remains — claimed, implausibly, that he could create 1.2 million jobs in the energy sector.
Rick Perry was not there, having moved into a rented house the year before while the mansion was being restored.
州长Rick Perry当时并不在场,此前一年他就因官邸重修而搬进了一处租来的房子。
Mr Romney is also sure to be helped by the latest instalment in the implosion of Rick Perry, the governor of Texas and another former Republican front-runner.
Romney先生也会在德克萨斯州州长,另一个共和党领先者模范Rick Perry的最近的威胁中获益匪浅。
On May 24th the governor, Rick Perry, signed a measure that will require women to have an ultrasound before they have an abortion.
And Rick Perry suggested the agency should be abolished.
Florida Governor Rick Scott is determined to swipe the title of most business-friendly state from Rick Perry, his counterpart in Texas, which has held it for seven years.
In addition, Texas governor Rick Perry and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin have also said they are considering a run for the White House next year.
The other candidates, including Texas Governor Rick Perry attacked Cain's plan, saying tax payers will end up paying more.
Others—Chris Christie of New Jersey, Rick Perry of Texas and Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida and brother of George—say they will not run.
Others—Chris Christie of New Jersey, Rick Perry of Texas and Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida and brother of George—say they will not run.