It was uncanny, like meeting a person in the street whom you feel you know but cannot place.
The rest of us are in between, and by the way, the average person in the street is almost exactly midway.
You may share a dinner with a homeless person, visit lonely old people in the nursing home, or help the blind cross the street.
How can the person in charge of assessing Wall Street firms not have the tools to understand them?
I feel I have a duty to explain what it is like to be psychotic - to be that person muttering at you in the street. But what I really want to explain is that you can come out the other side.
"We created a certain image" based on a real person, Mr. Yen said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
It's a two-way street in which you are generally concerned with how the other person is doing.
Road of walking through, include to meet in street of person, may change when oneself stand down a road of unfamiliar, even forget in the time.
If you pass someone in the street you may eye the oncoming person till you are about eight feet apart, then you must look away as you pass.
If you and I met in the street, I would automatically scan the logos on you and, based on their status, judge the type of person that you were.
A person walks to stop, mind not rather, also not know to want where, the end sat in seat of honor in the long Deng of a street heart park.
Along the street, a person to walk in the rain at a loss, dim the lights my lonely figure drawing allowed length.
The person who was in the car with Cannon drove him home to Green Street and called 911, Kubiak said.
A person walking in the street, and then calmly like walking.
Nine brother lives in Hexi District Haiti small Willow Street he Fuli, here is a celebrity, do not know without the person.
You were walking alone in an unknown street, without the odor of loneliness or solitude. It seemed as if you should be alone, and it would be a waste if you were followed by another person.
It's the whispers of people on the street that see man in a suit having a real conversation with a homeless person.
In Eagle, Idaho, it is illegal for a person to sweep dirt from ones house into the street.
Wearing the blue worker uniform with the label PERSON FOR SALE on the back, he put flash mobs into practice for a year in the street of Beijing and other cities, as a kind of social interference.
In fact, one person looked at me quietly from across the street, and gave me a big smile and a thumb's up.
With one whimsical phone application, an animated person would appear in the camera view and lead the user down the street towards the restaurant while explaining the menu and making a reservation.
Chat gravity refers to the DE GREe of familiarity with another person, which, if you chance to encounter them on the street, will determine if you merely GREet them in passing or stop to talk.
'We created a certain image' based on a real person, Mr. Said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.
In the dark street, there wasn't single person to whom she could turn for help.
In the dark street, there wasn't single person to whom she could turn for help.