Team members received a personal Team Management Profile report which gives them positive feedback about the way they prefer to work.
You can browse the site for other blabbers, and each clip can be emailed out to friends or embedded in your personal website, blog or social networking profile.
This is because privacy and security of data are of utmost importance; all data stored in AMEE is anonymized, so you cannot retrieve profile data based on personal information.
A user profile consists of personal details about the user, knowledge of the user on domain concepts, user goals, and any other information that is required by the application.
On her profile she describes herself as a yoga teacher and personal trainer.
Competitors profile him in their newspapers and magazines, while local websites are abuzz over his professional and personal life.
Existing members of the "elite dating site" rate how attractive potential members are over a 48 hour period, after applicants upload a recent photo and personal profile.
You have two options: you can either use a branded profile with your company's logo, or you can opt to create a more personal profile that unites your own personal brand with that of the company.
A paper to be published in the Journal of Communication used computer analysis to show that four linguistic indictors can help detect lying in the personal essay of a dating profile.
The data company then strips out the user's name and passes BlueCava information from offline databases. BlueCava then adds those personal details to its profile of that device.
(social news) : Digg and other social news sites allow you to customize your profile with your personal information and affiliated websites.
The Cognos Controller 8 client USES the Windows profile location for storing personal Settings, cache files and technology business logic files.
CognosController8客户端使用Windows配置文件位置存储个人设置、缓存文件和一些. NET技术业务逻辑文件。
Unlike Anti's, however, the page for the puppy doesn't violate Facebook's policies because it's not meant to be a personal profile page.
Users can create a personal account on hotelicopter and link to their Facebook profile by simply entering their Facebook credentials.
For example, a Web application may decide to generate new JSPs for each user that registers and creates his or her personal profile.
Today, Facebook announced new privacy settings which let you selectively open up portions of your personal profile to everyone on the Facebook social network.
Each user profile created is strongly encrypted with the personal user certificate, which ACTS as a master key.
You can modify the following areas: Profile, Basic Info, Personal Info, Status Updates, Photos Tagged of You, Videos Tagged of You, Friends, Wall Posts, Education Info, and Work Info.
The Personal Profile is built on top of the Foundation Profile to run on high-end PDAs.
个人概要文件构建在基础概要文件之上,以便在高端PD A上运行。
First, a few questions to help us in creating your personal lowered-expectations profile. Let's get started.
Overall, the Personal Profile offers mature security solutions that are similar to those for J2SE applications.
Upon login, users typically have a global profile as well as two personal files that are executed (.bash_profile and.bashrc).
在登录时,用户通常执行一个全局概要文件和两个个人文件(. bash_profile和.bashrc)。
And if we did, there is also a FOAF-based option: FOAFCorp, which adds elements related to corporate structure to the core personal profile information in FOAF.
On his online profile, I not only find the standard personal-blog-type information-his birthday, address, resume, and pictures of his wife, son, and step-kids.
A client, Web services consumer: This is the J2ME application, such as MIDP or Personal Profile-based application, a JSR 172 stub and supporting classes, and the JSR 172 runtime.
客户端,Web服务消费者:它是J2ME应用程序,例如MIDP或个人版基于框架的应用程序,JSR 172存根和支持类,以及JSR 172运行时。
Unlike personal-based social networks, where people focus on sharing photos and interests, a LinkedIn profile is more like a resume, with users detailing their employment and education history.
在基于个人的社会网络中,用户主要是分享照片和兴趣爱好,而 LinkedIn配置文件更像是一份履历,用户在其中详细列出他们的就业和教育经历。
In the top of profile page you can view the personal information, below is the view all messages you sent previous.
The site, the number one online destination for college students, allows users to create profile pages with personal details.
Provides personal profile, news and announcements, and online polls.
Provides personal profile, news and announcements, and online polls.