Obviously, the personal address book template was not designed with the Web browser client as the primary user.
To better illustrate the power of XPages, this tutorial makes use of the personal address book template that comes with Domino.
This example shows a simple tactical method that USES the local Microsoft Outlook address book and the Lotus Notes personal address book.
Specifically, you will use XPages to provide a Web 2.0-based contact and group management and navigation entry point into the personal address book template.
具体来说,将会使用XPages来提供一个基于Web 2.0 的联系人和联系人组管理模块以及进入个人地址簿模板的导航入口点。
First, I would look up a number in a paper directory or a local cache—either a personal address book or my brain—and then enter this number on a dial (later, on a keypad).
首先,我要在纸质电话本或者本地缓存里查找电话号码 --个人电话本或者我的大脑 --然后输入号码打电话。
For this tutorial, you can use the personal address book template (pernames.ntf) packaged in the Lotus Notes 8.5 Public Beta or, as mentioned, any Lotus Notes Client Release 6.5 or greater.
对于本教程,可以使用打包在LotusNotes 8.5PublicBeta中的个人地址簿模板(pernames . ntf),或者像前面提到过的一样,使用任何Lotus NotesClientRelease 6.5或更高版本。
For the user to work with a local mail replica, modify the Location document within the Personal Address Book to use local resources on the workstation versus the server-based resources.
对于准备使用本地邮件副本的用户,请修改Personal Address Book中的Location文档,以便使用工作站上的本地资源和基于服务器的资源。
Although the personal address book template does more than simply store contact and contact group information, this tutorial focuses on these two aspects of the application template in this tutorial.
Consumer Edition - when you want on-the-go access to personal Internet email and address book like Yahoo!
Consumer Edition - when you want on-the-go access to personal Internet email and address book like Yahoo!