I'll allow it. With regard to Mr. Bass 'personal assets, Moving on then.
Personal assets in UK and Overseas generating an income disposable in the United Kingdom.
A vow of celibacy and the relinquishment of all personal assets hardly seemed a sacrifice.
Once the business fails, they have to declare personal bankruptcy and could lose personal assets, too.
The personal credit assessing is the comprehensive reflection of the personal assets and personal credit state.
That is partly because many co-op boards require sizable personal assets and an average down payment of 35%, says Mr. Miller.
Your creditors can ask you to dig deeper into your personal assets: the bonds set aside for junior's education, the old farmstead, and the rest.
And therefore, we need to borrow the advanced foreign idea, and further perfect the regulation of personal assets declaration system of our country.
In plain English, if someone is owed money by your company, he or she would be able to go after the company's assets, but not the personal assets of the company's owners.
Difficulty accessing credit takes a toll on small companies in particular, which are more likely to be at least partly supported by the owner's personal assets and credit.
Feminism is the ever-lasting hard work you endure for whole life to build up your personal assets, just for the pride she feel when comparing you to other dumbs similar to you.
I knew l would never be a rocket scientist, but l love driving cars, being of service and feeling like l have done a full day's work and done it well. l evaluated my personal assets and…wham!
Thus, the partners have unlimited liability and should the partnership's funds not suffice to cover the liabilities of the partnership, creditors can reach the personal assets of the partners.
A controversial section of the draft suggests that once a marriage ends in divorce the pre-marital property is to be recognized as the buyer's personal assets, instead of a couple's common wealth.
You could lose a safe revenue stream, sell off personal assets, close out bank accounts, or find that your self-esteem takes a painful hit that causes you to stop seeing yourself in a certain light.
Schools should attach great importance to the teaching of personal integrity which is one of the most important assets in a person's life.
But Lehman could not - despite what Mr. Paulson described as personal pleas to other firms to buy some of Lehman's toxic assets and efforts to persuade another bank to acquire Lehman.
If you cultivate calmness and concentration, you will find that these attitudes are essential assets in the way of your personal achievement.
Last weeek, a judge issued a preliminary $171bn fofeiture striping Madoff of all his personal property and $80m in assets his wife Ruth claimed was hers.
Their net financial assets, excluding equities, amount to 3.2 times personal disposable income, compared with a ration of only 1.9 in America and 1.1 in Germany (see left-hand chart).
McKinsey, a consultancy, reckons that those five to ten years away from retirement hold almost a third of personal financial assets in America.
Where our assets are therefore transferred to the relevant third parties, the Personal Information we have collected are also transferred to the relevant third parties.
When a partner invests a building, inventory, or other property in a partnership, he or she does not retain any personal right to the assets contributed. All partners jointly own the property.
The index system of personal credit assets is investigated by means of fixed quantity methods.
Since it freed the main personal duty of partner, the creditor can only pursue the partnership assets and negligent partners, so the creditor will confront much more risk.
When we study personal finance, it is inevitable to resolve the following three problems: How do or should persons allocate their assets (or make their financial planning)?
Disadvantages. The owner is personally liable for the debts and obligations of the business to the full extent of his personal property and assets.
Disadvantages. The owner is personally liable for the debts and obligations of the business to the full extent of his personal property and assets.