Use an annual personal net worth statement to track the incremental changes to your financial landscape from a helicopter view.
Tipping the scales and clocking in at a whopping 19.8 billion dollars in personal net worth, Sergey Brin is one of the youngest billionaires on earth at 38.
But Greenspan prompted a laugh by adding, "I suspect that a not inconceivable possibility is that what is dissolving in front of their eyes is their own personal net worth."
He served for several years as Facebook's Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Engineering, until he amassed a personal net worth of 2.7 Billion Dollars while only 26 years old.
Household net worth rose to about 4.90 times disposable personal income in the fourth quarter from a third-quarter level of about 4.89 times income.
Household net worth rose to about 4.90 times disposable personal income in the fourth quarter from a third-quarter level of about 4.89 times income.