Its typical clinical foundings are impairment of memory, congective dysfunction and personality change.
There was no severe side effect during 3 years follow-up except for 1 case appearing personality change.
Personality change is the difference made by your responses in carrying forward my concrete experiencing.
"Focusing" refers to how one mode of experiencing, the direct referent, functions in ongoing personality change.
Major personality change involves some sort of intense affective or feeling process occurring in the individual.
They may present with anosmia, personality change, psychological effects, epilepsy and other frontal lobe symptoms.
In the realm of personality change we largely lack sufficiently specific concepts to discuss and define observations.
If we are to understand personality change, we must understand how these personality constituents can change in nature.
After a few pages which state two main problems and two observations, a theory of personality change will be presented.
Aside from changes in looks, the gradual personality change of child stars is another big concern of audience and producers.
Russia gets thrown through another one, gets knocked out, suffers brain damage, and wakes up with a complete personality change.
Thus, personality change in us is not a result of our perceiving another's positive appraisals of us or attitudes toward us.
Early in the course of encephalopathy, manifestations are subtle and include personality change, mild confusion, and lethargy.
The former they consider a waste of time or a defense, and they predict[5] that no major personality change will result from it.
前者他们认为是浪费时间或是防御,他们预测[5 ] ,不会有任何重大的人格变化发生。
Not these perceptions, but the manner of process which is actually occurring, will determine whether personality change results.
We can say, we'd better say that you can have the very same personality even if some of the elements in your personality change.
In many cases, the client can perceive positive therapist attitudes only after the concrete personality change process has already occurred.
We must, therefore, reformulate Rogers' (1959b) view that personality change depends on the client's perception of the therapist's attitudes.
The chief personality theories have sprung from psychotherapy — that is to say (when psychotherapy is successful), from ongoing personality change.
Some definitions of the kind of relationship which does (and the kind which does not) effect personality change have been offered (Rogers, 1957, 1959b).
We may take the "repression paradigm" to be one basic aspect of personality change-one of the two basic factors with which this chapter will be concerned.
Quite paradoxically, as personality change occurs before their eyes and with their participation, therapists find their minds formulating what has been wrong.
This "descent" into himself, this focusing, and the overall feeling process which arises, give verbalization to the underlying flow of events of personality change.
Our psychometric instruments do not as yet have standardized or even defined indices of personality change, having been used so rarely before and after psychotherapy.
I was always a fan of "dark Sam" episodes, like season 2's "Born under a Bad Sign" - it's always interesting when established characters undergo a sudden personality change.
So far we have formulated two problems of personality change and we have then cited two observations; the feeling process in the individual; and the personal relationship.
Manslaughter on the ring and then mine but because Tiger, personality change again, during which also experienced with the adopted daughter Tiger Ray Ray unparalleled hazy love.
Result the result indicated the patients with radiation lesion had somatic symptoms, depressive mood, phobia, personality change and the problems of memory, sleep, social relation.
Another facet of personality change due to Alzheimer's disease is the occasional emergence of an underlying feature of the person's character which had previously been well-hidden.
In contrast to the aforementioned theoretical impossibilities, most theories of personality cite two observations, which they assert are nearly always involved in personality change.