And in 2009, a supposed moon rock from the first manned lunar landing, Apollo 11, given to the Dutch national museum in Amsterdam, proved to be nothing more than petrified wood.
Fossilised wood or petrified wood can be found in a number of countries around the world and our fossilised furniture and sculptures originate from Java, Indonesia.
Petrified wood fossils are known for their exquisite colour and some pieces of petrified wood have retained the original cellular structure of the wood.
The mummified trees are different from petrified wood, a kind of fossil created when wood is replaced with minerals over thousands of years.
Visible tree rings of the Xinchang Petrified Wood indicate that there might be some seasonal changes in the ancient climate.
The petrified wood fossils are collected by local indigenous people and farmers, selected for size and colour and then hand crafted and polished to produce stunning tables, chairs and sculptures.
The petrology studies on stratum together with the characteristic of Xinchang petrified wood, the palaeoecologic environment of Xinchang petrified wood Araucarioxylon forming is analysed.
The convergence direction of bedding and the strike of petrified wood in the channel deposits and sheetflood deposits show that the paleocurrent flowed from northwest to southeast.
Petrified Wood strewn across the landscape.
Petrified Wood strewn across the landscape.