The measurement of flash point for petroleum products is one of major analyzing item to refining installation, it has important action in produce process.
As a byproduct of crude refining process petroleum coke features a low ash content, moderate volatility and a high heating value.
Meanwhile the refining process was improved, using crystallization from petroleum-benzene instead of high vacuum distillation. The process was simplified for the benefit of industry production.
Process calculation and control techniques for the advanced control system in reformer with catalyst semi regeneration in Fujian Petroleum Refining Company were introduced.
Oil refinery: Refers to a business that uses oil as its raw material to engage in the manufacture of petroleum products through the process of distillation, refining, or blending.
Online measurement of water content in petroleum is a significant procedure during oil mining and oil refining process.
Online measurement of water content in petroleum is a significant procedure during oil mining and oil refining process.