It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in the overwhelmingly significant phase in European history.
Ferraro analyzed satellite data showing annual forest loss from 2008 to 2012 including during Indonesia's phase in of the antipoverty program in 7,468 forested villages across 15 provinces.
This is the overarching discipline that oversees all aspects of every phase in the MADM lifecycle.
As you might imagine, design is the most critical and complex phase in the data cleansing process.
Therefore, capturing the data flow of a process is usually an important phase in a business process modeling project.
The Discover phase in IBM's Enterprise Transformation solution helps to reduce the time, effort, and stress associated with these challenges.
Root structures are scanned as part of the initial function of the mark phase in the collector.
The developments, analysts have suggested, signal a dangerous new phase in the euro zone crisis.
There's a phase in the history of the universe where you go from low entropy to high entropy.
This article introduces key tools and products from IBM that enables each phase in the SOA life cycle to become a reality.
本文介绍了IBM 提供的重要工具和产品,它们是用来实现SOA生命周期内的各个阶段的。
This meant that during the development phase in earlier iterations, some developers needed to be trained to do system test in preparation for the last iteration.
Use the inputs from the Identification phase in SOMA to define the business-aligned services (business services).
The dust is likely formed as the swollen atmosphere of the supergiant sheds material into space, a final phase in the evolution of a massive star.
It is also the phase in which defects can be identified and corrected most easily and economically.
New parents are faced with an almost insurmountable number of decisions as they prepare for a new phase in their lives.
Were you assisted by organizational/managerial consultancy during the thinking phase in order to outline the path and implement the approach throughout the world?
The Transition phase should not be turned into a "cleanup" phase in which the Backlog continues to be worked.
There is a phase in the project where the technical underpinnings of the SOA solution must be defined.
This phase shares many characteristics of what RUP calls the Inception phase in that it focuses on the vision, the business case, and the high-level planning.
A May-December romance that started in the first movie moves to a matrimonial phase in this sequel.
In the Parts 2 and 3 of this series, we'll look into the model phase in more detail.
Evolutions may overlap by as many as three phases, but not by four; you cannot begin a phase in an evolution before completing that same phase in the previous evolution 11.
At this phase in the development, the system (whether it includes hardware or just software) does not exist.
The remainder of the article focuses on specific IBM tools and products that enable each phase in the SOA life cycle.
Each phase in the SOA lifecycle can be applied to service enablement. The recommended high-level activities are summarized as follows.
The method development environment is in place to support the Elaboration phase. In particular, the configuration management environment (e.g.
Dumbdumb is the next phase in marketing: creating something that people will want to watch and pass around.
Since I covered process management in my previous article, I won't discuss that phase in detail here.
For every development phase in which a performance defect is not detected, it becomes 80 to 1000 times more expensive to remediate.
For every development phase in which a performance defect is not detected, it becomes 80 to 1000 times more expensive to remediate.