According to this a Phase Margin Analyzer is made and used in the practical system.
Parameters estimation method of controller based on the gain and phase margin is proposed.
The method of designing the loop filter with the phase margin and loop bandwidth is displayed.
A new tuning method which based on gain margin and phase margin is showed. And the stability of the controller is discussed.
The hybrid design of self-tuning PID regulator combines the advantage of phase margin design with the advantage of pole placement design.
This is the love of cigarettes, wine is, is numb from the sober, is a stunning two people together and wake up, but at this point in the phase margin of the meet.
This design is the use of leading correction principle, finally meet the performance index of a control system open loop gain, phase margin, angular frequency requirements.
The internal mode compensation controller is designed for the delay performance of TCP network system. The controller tuning method is presented based on the gain and phase margin.
The method of shifting and weighting is characterized by applying quantized phase margin of one element to the phase of the next element through shifting after weighting it in amplitude.
The position loop use the PD control algorithm, to increase the system's phase margin, reduce the system's oscillation and ensure that the control system has good dynamic characteristics.
An experimental study on distinguishing stability margin of two phase flow by means of system correlation identification is described.
An experimental study on distinguishing stability margin of two phase flow by means of system correlation identification is described.