The dodgy recruitment drive is the latest phase of a campaign to emasculate Mr Yushchenko, which began at the start of the unlikely cohabitation of the two Viktors.
"The long-term goal is not to meet the demand of a single area or a single phase, we want to continuously improve the food safety across the country through the campaign," he said.
The first phase of a vaccination campaign targeting 1 million people has been completed in 6 districts and is on-going in a further 2 districts.
The first step of our assess phase was to understand the perceptions of the existing name, the Royal Marsden Cancer Campaign.
In Botswana, the research phase of a learning-by-doing exercise to identify opportunities in textiles and garments and to prepare a mentored marketing campaign was completed.
The blast furnace 3, Meishan at the later phase of its campaign, with seriously eroded stack and mostly damaged cooling equipment, restrains the normal production of the blast furnace.
The blast furnace 3, Meishan at the later phase of its campaign, with seriously eroded stack and mostly damaged cooling equipment, restrains the normal production of the blast furnace.