It is a new tendency of the present economic domain crime of utilizing the cell - phone message to bilk.
As extension services of communications, cell phone message has brought a lot of convenience to the people.
Collection of public opinion from Internet and mobile phone message can make university recognize the social psychological crisis response.
One of the telltale signs of rudeness is made by someone who does not respond after a reasonable length of time to a phone message awaiting a reply.
Patients receive a mobile phone message telling them how they are doing. If their blood pressure is too high, they are advised to make an appointment with their doctor.
That official station this summer broadcast a groundbreaking singing contest in which viewers were asked to vote for their favorites by cell phone message, "American Idol"-style.
官方的车站这夏天广播一个先进的歌唱竞赛的在哪一观众被行动电话信息要求投给他们的喜欢事物,“美国偶像 ”-风格。
Other choices, in descending order of personalization, are: a real-time phone call, a voice-mail message, a handwritten note, a typewritten letter, and the most unfriendly is email.
"People are also more likely to lie in real-time—in an instant message or phone call—than if they have time to think of a response," says Hancock.
When I first got my cell phone, I thought it was so cool to text message all my friends who have one, and I was pretty fast with my thumb then.
When I first got my cell phone, I thought it was so cool to text message to my friends who have one, and I was pretty fast with my thumb then.
"People are also more likely to lie in real time—in an instant message or phone call—than if they have time to think of a response," says Hancock.
If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet, you'd better phone him directly first to make sure of that.
What's more, when people are in danger and there is no mobile phone signal, they can use Beidou to send a 1200-word message to ask for help.
So unless you know your friends have unlimited text message plans, please be sensitive to their phone bills.
He shares a metal-price quote from a message on his gold-colored Changhongmobile phone.
In fact, the message is never actually sent to her phone; it's stored on TigerText's servers.
It was the last rebel message, probably conveyed by satellite phone, known to have been broadcast from the battlefield.
Then you return to the application just as you would on the phone and type a message using the keyboard as in Figure 10.
Jon-Marc told her he had returned her text message four or five times, but her phone stopped working.
You can also send a message to your phone and have it play a sound for up to two minutes (great when you know your phone is at home, but you can't find it anyway).
Sending a taped message down the phone appears to have no effect at all.
Notification of the gift is send to a person's mobile phone along with a personalized text message.
Tang Qingding, hospital spokesman, said, "They delivered the message over the phone, and the doctors responsible misunderstood the meaning of the English words."
I could do exactly that on my iPhone, but Ethan USES an old flip phone, so each message was coming through as a new text, with no history shown.
I could not text message you because my mobile phone has been on the blink ever since I dropped it in the lake.
I could not text message you because my mobile phone has been on the blink ever since I dropped it in the lake.