He'd telephoned with some phoney excuse she didn't believe for a minute.
But what is most offensive about Marilyn’s victimhood is that it was so phoney.
It pursued this phoney idea that James Bond and Harry Potter were British films.
The ship will be owned by a holding company registered in a tax haven with a phoney board.
That anonymity creates a phoney equality, which puts cranks and experts on the same footing.
Still, however distorting phoney fears may be, they are far preferable to genuine calamities.
Such disruptions may cut spam but will not put the lucrative phoney pharmacies out of business.
In September 1939, Britain was fighting a phoney war alongside a seemingly powerful ally, France.
The phoney peace is over: How Republicans and the Tea Party will use the new Congress to bash Obama.
The Charity Shield and the phoney war are just about behind us now and the first game is almost upon us.
By 2010, however, more or less everyone had concluded that Medvedev and his "liberal" agenda were phoney.
They were among the first imitators of Greek vases which they often decorated with phoney Greek inscriptions.
During the "Phoney War" in 1940, a German bomber crashed in Clacton-on-Sea, England, killing its crew of four Germans.
But some lenders appear to have secured a place on them by paying kickbacks in the form of shares, free travel, debt write-offs and phoney fees.
I suspect you have already met him, you have probably met him many times and you will continue to meet him, because you are Ms. Phoney Wonderful.
Nowadays, leaving an Internet trail of convincing evidence for a fake identity is increasingly difficult-and a phoney detail is worse than none at all.
Earlier this month, Harry Potter star Emma Watson was forced to deny rumours posted on a phoney Twitter site that she was about to enrol at Yale University.
They were paying their own unofficial visit, an alternative to the (in their eyes, phoney) reconciliation of the earlier event attended by Messrs Tusk and Putin.
This is part of a big shift away from clear, detailed conventions about politeness of the past and towards a blurred but largely egalitarian world that prizes phoney friendliness over formality.
This is part of a big shift away from clear, detailed conventions about politeness of the past and towards a blurred but largely egalitarian world that prizes phoney friendliness over formality.