The design method of a photoinduced plasma Fresnel zone plate antenna is described.
The mechanism of the photoinduced electron injection was also discussed through ESR spectra.
The photoinduced permanent polarization of bacteriorhodopsin was experimentally investigated.
The greater the thermodynamic driving force, the faster the photoinduced electron transfer reaction is.
The solvent effect on the photoinduced charge transfer between n, N-dimethylaniline and quinone has been investigated.
Optical storage based on photoinduced birefringence in azobenzene side-chain polymer liquid crystal (P-CN) film is reported.
本文实验研究了偶氮侧链聚合物液晶薄膜(P -CN)的光致双折射和光存储性质。
The holographic diffraction efficiency spectrum was theoretically calculated from the photoinduced refractive index change spectrum.
In this system, phase grating is formed after photoinduced trans-cis isomerization occurs on azo polymer and it separates with the liquid crystal.
The photoinduced changes in polarity and molecular structure have led to widespread application of azobenzene derivatives as reversible molecular switch devices.
Especially the characteristics of nonlinear optics, photo-isomerization and photoinduced anisotropy are emphasized, because they are crucial for optical storage.
Azoxybisbenzo-15-crown-5 was synthesized. Photoinduced trans-cis isomerization as well as its ability to extract alkali metals and rare earth metals' were dis-cussed.
合成了一种新的双冠醚,氧化偶氮双苯并15 -冠- 5。初步探讨了它的光异构现象及其对稀土和碱金属离子的萃取能力。
The main factors governing photoinduced toxicity of the anthraquinone are molecular polarity, the ability of electron transition and the largest negative net atomic charges.
Second, on the basis of the characterization of photoinduced anisotropy, polarization holographic recordings are accomplished in the azo-containing liquid crystalline polymer.
Photosynthesis is the most important chemical reaction on the earth For years, significant emphasis has been put on developing an understanding of photoinduced electron transfer.
The ultraviolet absorption in aqueous solutions, fluorescence emission properties, photoinduced isomerization phenomena and application properties of the two kinds of FBs were observed.
The photoinduced electron transfer reaction between N-tosyl amides and 2-phenyl-N, N'-dimethyl benzimidazoline (PDMBI) provides an efficient approach for the deprotection of N-tosyl amides.
The photoinduced electron transfer reaction between N-tosyl amides and 2-phenyl-N, N'-dimethyl benzimidazoline (PDMBI) provides an efficient approach for the deprotection of N-tosyl amides.