One of LaserMotive’s founders, Jordin Kare, reckons that a similar laser could deliver about as much energy 20km up if the photovoltaic panel were only a few times larger.
Kyocera pointed out that its solar modules have already been used on the Toyota Prius, which USES a small photovoltaic panel to generate power for the vehicle's interior functions.
The researchers propose creating a biological solar panel, which will contain diatoms instead of photovoltaic cells.
Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells. Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.
Each panel contains small lenses that concentrate sunlight by 400 times onto strips containing gallium arsenide photovoltaic cells.
As solar panel prices continue to fall and projects like Ordos bring further economies of scale, photovoltaic farms are expected to become more competitive with solar thermal power plants.
Mr MacCready fitted one of his aircraft with anumbrella-panel of leftover photovoltaic cells; they provided 400 watts of extrapower.
Mr MacCready fitted one of his aircraft with an umbrella-panel of leftover photovoltaic cells;
Mr MacCready fitted one of his aircraft with an umbrella-panel of leftover photovoltaic cells;