This accords with anecdotal evidence that people often yawn in situations where they are neither tired nor bored, but are preparing for impending mental and physical activity.
Physical activity does the body good, and there's growing evidence that it helps the brain too.
The physical activity recommendations were produced, in part, to provide WHO Member States with the evidence base needed to make policies for physical activity programmes to promote good health.
And Wilson and Penzias discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation, physical evidence for the Big Bang, while fiddling with an antenna designed to catch radio waves bouncing off satellites.
Anecdotal evidence also suggests that a parent's physical or intellectual traits may have some influence on children.
As for physical activity, the best evidence in favor of its benefits for the brain comes from Australia.
Many invertebrates have shells of calcium carbonate that bear evidence of the physical conditions in which they formed.
Now the mission appears to be back on track, and closer than ever to uncovering physical evidence of water on the moon.
The Crown Prosecution Service said there was insufficient evidence to proceed because I had been drinking and there was no physical evidence.
Kay did note he had a problem with equating the absence of evidence of earlier anthropoids in Africa as evidence of their physical absence during that time.
The astronauts returned with soil and rock samples, which NASA also cites as physical evidence of our presence on the moon.
Physical exercise is a somewhat grayer area than sleep when it comes to memory, but there seems to be a reasonable body of evidence suggesting that physical fitness and cognitive fitness are linked.
Just as important was Clarkson's gathering of the physical evidence of the slave trade to confirm the oral and written accounts he collected.
You've seen the TV shows — these professionals collect and analyze physical evidence and document laboratory methods and findings.
Anecdotal evidence also suggests that a parent's physical or intellectual traits may have some influence.
Being overweight is certainly risky for your physical health, but new evidence suggests that it may carry an added mental-health burden as well.
The Yixian Formation also yielded Sinosauropteryx, the first physical evidence of a feathered dinosaur.
Genesis claims that these Jews went on to build the Tower of Babel, although there is no physical evidence of its existence (or of the Hanging Gardens, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world).
That ever-expanding array of touchscreen handsets is just the physical evidence of the monumental change the iPhone has wrought.
The physical evidence will be there to require an assimilation, however, and man will have to reconcile this with his own sense of no time being lost.
Physical exercise and reducing cardiovascular risk factors have the strongest evidence.
Physical evidence consists of actual objects bodies, weapons, body fluid stains, fingerprints, hairs, fibers, etc. that are associated with the crime and may be linked to the perpetrator.
This is a particularly useful method of fact-finding where no physical evidence of an action may have taken place.
This of course, they say is arising as what they believe is more evidence, more physical evidence they have.
Therefore, the issue of credibility is a serious one, and one which can ultimately lead to conviction even where there is a lack of physical evidence.
Therefore, the issue of credibility is a serious one, and one which can ultimately lead to conviction even where there is a lack of physical evidence.