This mapping creates a limitation, because it does not allow administrators to map the physical adapter on the blade to the switch they choose to map them to.
For example, it can map between a logical and physical model, that is, between the concepts of the canonical data model and the realization of these concepts in the data platform.
With provisioning of new tenants, we can create one more virtual shard and map it to the same predicted physical shards or more physical shards.
The disk and network device commonly map into the machine's physical disk and network device (as shown in Figure 2).
磁盘和网络设备通常映射到机器的物理磁盘和网络设备(如图 2 所示)。
In each case, the new CPUs provide the means to map PCI physical addresses to guest virtual addresses.
不管是哪种情况,新的CPU都提供将P ci物理地址映射到客户虚拟系统的方法。
In addition, the operation to map logical addresses to physical addresses consumes significant CPU resources and takes longer.
It is the device mapper's job to map these names correctly to the physical devices.
Finally, if modeling has been done, IDA contains tooling to map logical or physical data models to XML schemas, which can be represented as an XML column in DB2.
最后,如果完成了建模,IDA会包含工具来将逻辑或物理数据模型映射到XML模式,这可以在DB 2中表示为xml列。
As physical memory on today's workstations get larger and larger, the table used for memory translation must consume more and more resources to map the working memory set.
Limit: Because the physical RAM is only 1gb, the database Shared memory set can only map to what is physically available to it, which is 1gb + swap space.
限制:由于物理ram只有1gb,数据库共享内存集只能映射到它在物理上可以使用的空间,即1gb +交换空间。
We can map requests from logical to logical, logical to physical (as above) or from one address space to another.
Now, add the NAT rule. Right click, and select Map your private address name to your public address name, and select the line name of your physical network adapter.
In case a virtual shard id map is not provided (it is optional), it is defaulted to the physical shard id map.
Because they map database data to underlying physical storage (raw disks, file systems, volumes), understanding them in a new platform is critical for DBAs.
As can be seen below, we configure virtual shards two and three to map to the same physical shard two currently.
At the same time, it establishes some structure to map the physical locations to virtual locations in the 4gb range.
For every page mapped by each process, page-table entries must also be created to map the virtual address to the physical address.
The VIO servers then map these virtual adapters to physical Ethernet adapters, and those VIO client LPARs can communicate through the same device.
Then, you have the flexibility to map the logical names to physical ones only at deployment time.
This does not mean the kernel USES that much physical memory, only that it has that portion of address space available to map whatever physical memory it wishes.
This allows the definition of many virtual shards, which can map to just two or three physical shards.
The topology structure, defined in linux_linsched.h, defines the number of processors and how they relate to one another (mapping to a physical package and node distance map).
linux_linsched . h中定义的拓扑结构定义了处理器的数量以及它们如何相互关联(映射到物理包和节点分布图)。
Routers connect two or more logical subnets, which do not necessarily map one-to-one to the physical interfaces of the router.
In the Linux memory manager, page tables keep track of the physical pages of memory that are used by a process, and they map the virtual pages to the physical pages.
We separate the physical view and logic view of IR, and make algorithms work on the high-level logic view, and map the high-level algorithms into low-level IR through view transformations.
Today scientists are starting to map the planet's living Marine highways, as well as the ocean's physical environment.
The availability of information then makes possible greater ascension of each related to the map carver upon the physical plane.
The first problem to be solved is to map DNA sequences onto numerical sequences in bio-molecular sequence analysis by mathematical, physical and digital signal processing methods.
On simpler systems, there is a single address map, so the physical addresses used by the CPU to address RAM and peripherals can be freely Shared with other masters as DMA addresses.
On simpler systems, there is a single address map, so the physical addresses used by the CPU to address RAM and peripherals can be freely Shared with other masters as DMA addresses.