So money-related stress can cause physical and mental health problems, and health is the least of our worries, according to the 2009 poll.
We know from years of research that poor mental health leads to physical health problems, diminished quality of life, work-related problems, social and family dysfunction, and even early death.
It's another reason to take depression seriously and not to think about it just in terms of mental health, but to also think about the physical consequences of mental health problems.
To examine the relationship between specific types of child mental health problems and severe physical punishment, in combination with other important known risk factors.
However, severe acute stress can cause mental health problems, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, and even physical difficulties such as a heart attack.
Mental illnesses seriously affect our bodies and our social relationships, while physical health problems, especially when severe and protracted, can lead to social isolation and mental illness.
Mental-health problems cause more suffering in Britain than physical illness, poverty or unemployment, according to Richard Layard, an economist and author of a book on happiness.
Workaholics experience a variety of mental and physical health problems stemming from their long hours.
Method the questionnaires that adapt to the characteristics of elderly people's physical and mental health were used as the screening tools to discover problems.
Iodine deficiency disorders (idd) are a major public health concern in Nepal, causing deafness, physical deformities, mental abnormalities, miscarriages, and other problems.
Conclusion: High job demands or lacking job resources leaded to job burnout of police officers, which resulted in quitting office intention and the problems of physical and mental health.
Depression is one of the leading problems of human mental imbalance and a common occur rence, which has an immeasurable negative impact on individual's physical and mental health, work and life.
PTSD often occurs with-or may contribute to-other related disorders, such as depression, substance abuse, problems with memory, and other problems of physical and mental health.
PTSD often occurs with-or may contribute to-other related disorders, such as depression, substance abuse, problems with memory, and other problems of physical and mental health.