Severe physical injury may be caused if breaking the rules.
There need not be any actual physical injury, and no one may actually be speaking insulting words.
The peculiar nervous and circulatory systems of the Gen 'dai makes them extremely resistant to physical injury.
The influence of physical injury is bad, and it directly affect ones physical and mental health, study and work.
CKD can be caused by various diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, infections or even physical injury.
But at the same time, travel agencies in organizing Tours, caused tourists' physical injury, loss of life and damage to property.
But prosecutors said the slide could have caused "serious physical injury or death" if it had struck someone working under the aircraft.
What is the worst psychological torture you can imagine suffering? Anything causing even minor physical injury should not be considered.
They parse the degrees of pain that would constitute forbidden torture (" an intensity akin to the pain accompanying serious physical injury ").
The two are accused of causing serious physical injury, dangerous obstruction of traffic and causing injury through negligence, police said.
Practice proving that if one know well about the course of the physical injury and the prevent method, one may reduce the physical injury with maximum limit.
Article 122 If a substandard product causes property damage or physical injury to others, the manufacturer or seller shall bear civil liability according to law.
After all, the "hurt" or "unpleasant" aspects of pain are processed by the same brain regions, whether the insult is psychological or comes from a physical injury or illness.
The direct result of family violence is to bring suffers psychological and physical injury and more serious is to have great impact on social stability and social order.
But with so many converging in the areas, there has been conflict between the people on the fadama land - with the conflict sometimes leading to physical injury and destruction of property.
This article mainly introduces the general prevent principle of physical injury about tennis, and knowledge of common physical injury about type, name, symptom, prevent and therapy etc.
The case for physical injury applies if you haven't taken reasonable precautions to ensure safety, such as regular maintenance, upgrades, or Posting warning against perils that you can't address.
Says Kennedy: "As with physical exercise, what kind and how much cognitive stimulation is going to be right without doing injury?
Inflammation: a localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.
Casey Marenge, now a campaigner for road safety and disability rights, describes the physical, emotional and psychological adjustments she made following her injury.
Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury.
After an injury or for a complaint such as arthritis, patients need treatment, and physical therapists need qualified assistants.
Physiotherapy is a treatment that USES physical movements, massage and exercise to relieve illness or injury.
In some parts of the world occupational therapists utilize practices such as use of ultrasound in injury rehabilitation, much like a physical therapist does.
I feel like he always comes back strong after an injury because he's not afraid to push his physical limits and he has the added benefit of rest.
Talk to your doctor or physical therapist to get advice on how much you should cross-train and what activities are best for your specific injury.
I've gone to see physical therapists, sports injury specialists, chiropractors and even an acupuncturist. No one could do anything that could ease the pain.
I've gone to see physical therapists, sports injury specialists, chiropractors and even an acupuncturist. No one could do anything that could ease the pain.