Sleep is human being's important physiological need, and in clinic it is a radical index to appraise health.
The products with good sense of touch not only meet the people's physiological need, but also satisfy their emotion.
For example, if u feels very hungry it is physiological need, you will feel a conpulsoion to satisfy that need by eating.
So long as all the physiological and anatomic parameters are met, these new parts need not look anything like precise replicas of the natural bone structure.
Now, athletes in search of the physiological enhancement they need to take them a stride ahead of their opponents are scanning medicine's future, as well as its present.
For example, all human physiological function is a vehicle of our consciousness, as a carrier to be there is the need for certain conditions.
Therefore, I thought the principle study view of the Constructivism that have the following superiority as the instruction design teaching design: Physiological angle, Carries on the game the need;
In the nutrition aspect, the old people need to arrange nutrition meals rationally according to their own physiological characteristics and exercise in order to delay the senility and improve health.
The effect for polysomnographic index and other physiological index still need to be improved by expanding the samples' quantity and extending the time of intervention.
The mechanism and the physiological significance underlying these changes need to be further investigated.
Prevention and treatment of neurasthenia need to understand their psychological and physiological disorders, neurasthenia, mental you know how much physical barriers it?
There are close relations between scientific training and psychological health, if the scientific training can also promote the HIV-infections physiological health. There still need some research.
There are close relations between scientific training and psychological health, if the scientific training can also promote the HIV-infections physiological health. There still need some research.