Physiotherapy. I'm a sports physiotherapist.
You may be advised to see a physiotherapist for a while.
I'll go to Italy on Monday to resume his treatment - said the physiotherapist.
I'm very well looked after and the club doctor and physiotherapist have visited me.
You will need to make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred to a physiotherapist.
Impaired standing balance is often treated with balance exercises suggested by a physiotherapist.
A physiotherapist would probably tell me that I didn't want to be a child, which is probably true.
I went to the physiotherapist for three sessions before I was able to get an appointment with a doctor.
If you have them now, see a doctor or physiotherapist, stop swimming and allow your shoulder to fully recover.
Her fine motor skills were affected so she visits an occupational therapist and physiotherapist every two weeks.
Shortly afterwards, we bumped into my physiotherapist, and I thought she was going to do a citizen's arrest on me.
This has enabled him to build a support team including four seasoned grooms, a physiotherapist, a physical trainer and a veterinarian.
For example, it was found that a number of cases of symptoms of repetitive strain injury had been reported by the company physiotherapist.
Believe it or not, most people don't breathe correctly and this can contribute to a feeling of lethargy, says respiratory physiotherapist Alex Hough.
The research, whose findings were revealed in the Times Educational Supplement, was carried out by Lorna Taylor, a physiotherapist, and the Voice union for education.
After consulting Mrs. Freivogel, the leading physiotherapist, we realised that during the training, it is imperative that the basics of the locomotor therapy be considered.
One elderly woman felt her care worker had discriminated against her on caste grounds, while a physiotherapist was also alleged to have refused to treat someone of low caste.
Oguchi Onyewu: the rehabilitation continues in the United States, where he will be joined by a physiotherapist of the club, who will evaluate The Times of his return to work at Milanello.
"A decision like that is taken by me, the club doctor, the head of sports medicine, the senior physiotherapist, the person who reads the scan and the specialist," Allardyce told Zoo magazine.
"A decision like that is taken by me, the club doctor, the head of sports medicine, the senior physiotherapist, the person who reads the scan and the specialist," Allardyce told Zoo magazine.