It is useful for status flags and for other things that don't change during the life of a process, like pi, for example, or all the countries in Africa.
But later I hear that he wins the Oscar Best Director Award by Life of PI.
Life of Pi is adapted from a famous novel in the same name, written by Yann Martel. The storyline revolves around a 17-year old boy, Piscine MolitorPi Patel's adventurous journey on Pacific Ocean.
On the surface, the film is about Pi's tale of survival – yet Life of Pi holds so much more within its two-hour running time.
The fantastic film, "The Life of Pi", directed by Li An, has aroused wide sensation in public.
In his 16th year, Pi sets sail with his family and some of their menagerie to start a new life in Canada.
I did not know that Life of Pi was a true story. So well done, to Ang Lee. I hope he continues to directing other movies in the future.
Pi knew that he can't beat Richard, so he made the final choice to get along with Richard in the face of drift life.
It took hundreds of hours from skilled artists and hard-working coordinators and producers to craft the environments and performances in Life of Pi.
It took hundreds of hours from skilled artists and hard-working coordinators and producers to craft the environments and performances in Life of Pi.